“What’s going on?”
“Lex is in labor.”
Alexis wasn’t sure if Mason was answering Emily or talking to Vera. But both heard and had the same reaction.
“What?” Emily ran down the stairs, concern written all over her face.
“Get her to the ER now,” Vera almost yelled on the other end of the line. “I’ll meet you there.”
“Come on, let’s go.”
“Harper.” Alexis’s eyes locked with Harper’s as she peeked out behind the doorframe. She looked scared, and Alexis motioned for her to come down to her. She scampered down the stairs as if they were on fire and wrapped her arm around Alexis. “Oh, sweetie. It’s okay. Mommy’s okay.”
“Are you having the babies?”
“I,” she looked at Mason and Emily as if they would magically help her find the words, “I don’t know. I hope not. They need to stay in a little longer. But Grammy Vera will take care of us. You stay here with Emmy, okay?”
“No! I want to go with you.” Harper started to cry, which made Alexis cry in turn. Thankfully, Emily stepped in for her.
“Hey, Harper,” Emily put her hand on her shoulder, “I’d really like you to stay here with me so I’m not alone.”
Harper nodded, still looking unsure of not going with Alexis.
“It’s okay, Harp. I promise.” Alexis kissed her on the cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you, Mommy.”
One more kiss and then Alexis turned her attention to Emily. “Call Blake. Mason will keep you updated.”
“You got it. Praying.”
Taking hold of Mason’s hand again, they returned to the Jeep. Mason buckled her seat belt for her before running around to the driver’s seat. Alexis never let go of Mason’s hand as she sped across town to the hospital.
“It’s going to be okay,” Mason kept saying out loud. Alexis wasn’t sure which one of them she was trying to comfort.
Once at the hospital, Mason all but took the turn into the emergency room parking lot on two wheels and barely put the Jeep in park before sprinting around to the passenger’s side.
“How long have they been happening?” Vera was at the Jeep in an instant, along with several nurses and a wheelchair. Alexis was about to answer when Mason chimed in.
“About every three minutes for the past hour.” She looked at Alexis to confirm. “Right?”
“Um, yeah.” Alexis was shocked Mason had been paying that much attention to her contractions. “Thanks, Mace.”
Mason winked at her. “I got you.”
It was then Alexis noticed they were still holding hands. But this time, it was Mason who had the tight grip on Alexis’s hand.
“Have you called Blake?” Vera asked as they sped through the halls to an exam room.
“Emily did.”
“Blake’s on her way,” Mason reassured. “She’ll be here as fast as she can.”
“I need to talk to her.”
“Let’s get you in a room first.”