Page 28 of Always & Forever

The next hour was a flurry of doctors, nurses, ultrasounds, and injections. Vera found both of the babies’ heart rates quickly and assessed them. Both were fine, even if the boy was still hanging out low in her pelvis. They deduced that was why labor started and gave her corticosteroid and magnesium injections to help the babies in case they had to be delivered early.

Thankfully, her contractions stopped with rest and an IV concoction of fluids. By the time they got her settled into a room, Alexis was exhausted. More so mentally than physically. She had too many wires and monitors attached to her to get comfortable in the bed and the three heartbeat monitors worked together to create a sound that was both comforting because the babies were okay and annoying at the same time.

But through it all, Mason never left her side. She’d kept Blake updated, as well as Emily and Sophia who were watching Harper. Mason even FaceTimed Harper once Alexis was finally settled into a room. And now Mason looked as tired as Alexis felt.

“Have you heard from Blake?”

“She’s about ten minutes away.”

“Good.” Alexis licked her lips and started to reach for the water glass nearby. But Mason jumped up and grabbed it for her. She held the straw to Alexis’s lips as she took a long sip. “Thanks, Mace.”

“You’re welcome.”

Setting the water back down on the table, Mason started to take her seat back on the vinyl chair but Alexis grabbed her hand. Mason sat on the edge of the bed, holding on to Alexis’s hand.

“Thank you for being there for me today. I know this isn’t how you expected your day off to go, but I couldn’t have made it without you.” She nodded toward her stomach. “They wouldn’t have either.”

“Geez, Lex,” Mason said through tears and a small laugh, “you’re making me cry.”

“Come here.”

Alexis held out her arms as Mason hugged her. Although the two had grown up together, they hadn’t been close until the last few years. She was thankful that Blake coming into their lives—or, well, coming back into Mason's life—had brought them closer. Mason had become one of her best friends, that much was for sure

“I love you, Mace.”

“Love you too, Lex.”

Picking up Mason’s hand, Alexis placed it on her stomach. Because doctors and nurses and Vera had been coming in around the clock to check on her and the babies, she’d settled for only wearing her sports bra and used the bed sheet to cover up everything below her stomach, which was out for everyone to easily access. The babies were actively moving around, which made Alexis thankful. Mason smiled as they moved under her hand.

“What does it feel like?” Mason laid down beside her as Alexis moved over to give her room. She moved her to a different spot where Alexis felt the girl baby kick.

“Honestly, it feels like I’ve swallowed fish and they’re just swimming around.”

“Ew,” Mason laughed. “But that’s kind of cool, I guess.”

“You’ll experience it one day.”

“I would be now if it were up to Chase.”

“You need to hurry up and marry that woman. She’s too good for you.”

“Dude, I know.”

Alexis was about to ask her what she meant when Blake came barreling—there was no other way to describe it—into the room. She ran over to Alexis and hugged her as Mason got out of the bed. Blake held Alexis’s face between her hands as she looked into her eyes. Tears started to stream down both of their faces.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m okay and the babies are okay. We’re okay.”

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here.”

“I know.”

“I’m never leaving you again, you hear me?”

“That’s good, because I’m on bedrest until the babies are born.”

“It’s okay, I can do everything so you don’t have to. You just keep our babies safe in there for a few more weeks and I’ll do everything else.”