Page 66 of Boss's Fake Wife

And as much as I liked Chase, I wouldn’t put it past him to be orchestrating everything so he could get his brother out of commission for good.

But why would he do that?

“Give me a week,” I said. “Let me see what I can get for you then, and if I can’t get anything, then you can pull me out.”

Angel hesitated. “I didn’t think you were this passionate about catching the guy. At least not enough to risk your life.”

“I keep thinking about all those dead people,” I said. “Besides, if we don’t catch him now, and he’s really out killing people, and he finds out I tricked him this whole time, I’m scared I’ll be next on the chopping block.”

“Makes sense,” Angel said. “Okay, you have a week. But please, please be careful.”

“Alright, I will.”

“Oh, and I love you,” Angel added.

I froze at the words, not knowing how to respond.


“I’ve been meaning to say it. I just had to get over my pride,” he said with a laugh. “I know I’ve been mad at you this entire time for the stuff you kept from me, but recently…I don’t know. I’ve just been thinking it’s not fair for me to treat you this way. You deserve better than that.”

“Thank you,” I said, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what to say next. This entire thing was just too bizarre, and I sincerely just wanted to get off the phone. “I’ll talk to you later,” I told him and hung up before he could say anything else.

I rattled my leg and bit my nail for hours while I thought deeply. The second I heard the door opening, I rushed to meet Chris and blurted out everything I knew.

“Someone is trying to frame you,” I blurted out.

“Slow down. What are you saying?”

I took a deep breath, trying to quell the rising panic. “A murder. There has been another one, and Angel told me they found your cufflinks there. I think someone is trying to frame you. We have to do something.”

“I know that,” he said, surprising me. “But how can you be so certain I’m being framed? How do you know I didn’t do it?”

“Did you?”


Relief surged through me. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

He had an odd look on his face, like a smile was about to form. “So, you believe me?”

“Of course,” I responded. “I trust you. Besides, you wouldn’t be careless enough to leave your cufflinks behind if you really did kill him. You cherish those things.”

He paused for a few seconds.

And then, a smile blossomed on his face as if I had just bestowed upon him the most precious gift.

“Come on,” he said. “I picked up dinner. Let’s eat.”

“Did you not hear what I said?” I asked, confused by his nonchalant nature.

“I heard you,” he responded with a smile. “They’re airing a Home Hunters rerun today, or would you rather watch something on Netflix while we eat?”

I observed him curiously as he retrieved plates and unpacked items from the takeout bag.

And then, his lack of urgency began to make sense to me.

“You already knew, didn’t you?”