Page 65 of Boss's Fake Wife

“Yeah, I’m listening,” I murmured, thankful that I kept my voice from shaking. I didn’t want to arouse Angel’s suspicions any more than they already were.

“Good. Anyway, forensics is still working on the body, but from the looks of it, the time of death was last night.”

“Last night?” All of a sudden, the world came back into sharp focus. “Did you say last night?”

“Yes. Why? Did you remember something?”

He was with me the entirety of last night. In fact, he’d held me close in his arms the entire night after making love to me and making the confession that started a conflict inside me.

There was no way he could have been out killing someone and been with me at the same time.

Sure, it could have been one of his men, particularly the silent and deadly looking one, but then what were his cufflinks doing at the crime scene then?

Plus, common sense began to seep in slowly. Even if Chris had killed the man, he wasn’t that careless. He wouldn’t leave behind distinctive evidence like cufflinks, especially since the man was very fastidious about what he wore and where he kept his things.

He didn’t make mistakes when it came to leaving behind evidence, and it was why I didn’t bother going through his house anymore after that one time. He wasn’t sloppy enough to leave key details lying around, and he wasn’t stupid enough to wear distinctive cufflinks to a crime scene, either.

And then there were the other parts that didn’t make sense. The gruesomeness of the murder. Chris was a meticulous kind of man, and he was efficient in most things. Based on how neat his apartment always was, I knew everything was kept up and shiny. As if he couldn’t stand dirt or dust. He would most likely murder someone with poison or a simple shot to the head just because of how clean and fast it was.

A messy crime scene didn’t make sense for him.

It suggested too much passion and a clear motive to send a message to someone. No one gutted anyone unless they wanted the cops to look deeper under the surface.

Chris wouldn’t murder someone like this.

I knew it with certainty now. It wasn’t him.

Of course, I couldn’t tell Angel any of this. Not only would he not believe me, but he’d also wonder where I was getting my information from.

“Anyway, have you found anything else?” Angel asked.

“No,” I said. “I haven’t found anything.”

“That was what I was afraid of,” Angel replied with a sigh. “Alright, that’s it. I’m pulling you out.”

“What? Why?” My voice sounded more panicked than I would like, and I winced. Luckily, Angel didn’t comment on it as he kept talking.

“We’ll call this mission a bust,” he said. “It’s been weeks, and you haven’t found anything. I don’t want you to be the next body I get called in to see.”

Oh, so now you care about my life?

“These things take time,” I told him. “Besides, I didn’t say I haven’t found anythingat all, just that I’m not sure how important the information is yet. I’m still looking into it.”

“So youhavefound something?”

Come on, Emily, think. “Something like that. It’s about his brother. I just met the guy, and there’s something very shady about him. I don’t think Chris is the one leading their gang.”

“No,” Angel said, shaking his head. “We know about the brother already. We’re not after the brother for now.”

I frowned. “Why not?”

“He’s not a high priority,” Angel said. “I can’t explain everything we know, but believe me, Chris is more dangerous than his brother.”

But wasn’t the brother the one who was the leader of the gang? Or was it because Chris had information on the police?

Or was Chase a lower priority simply because he was working with the police to take Chris down for whatever reason?

Because the cufflinks thing was suspicious. Only someone close to him would be able to get their hands on Chris’ cufflinks and place them at the crime scene.