Page 22 of Out of Sight

"I sure did." He chuckles smugly when we break apart, leaning forward to nip at the delicate skin below my ear. "I'm going to do it again, too. As many times as you want."

I feel so good, relaxed and happy, andhopeful. I'm out of control, completely disconnected from the person I've been trying to be for so long, and it's exhilarating.

Judah shifts his weight to the side of me, and I follow, pushing him over flat on his back. His eyes widen with surprise as I lean forward to kiss him again, one of my hands reaching down to stroke his cock through the swim trunks he's still wearing. I want to reduce him to the same shuddering, oversensitive mess he made of me.

“You seem exceptionally responsive and sensitive to me, Doctor Hale. Is that normal for you?” I ask coyly, throwing his words back at him as I slip my hand beneath his shorts, wrapping my hand around him for the first time.

Holy shit, he's big.

Judah's chest quakes in a quiet laugh which turns to a groan when I squeeze him tighter. "No, Miss. Bradley, it's not."

Biting back a grin, I lean over to kiss his neck, scraping my teeth gently over a spot that makes him hiss and buck into my hand. I've spent all this time consumed by his effect on me. Somehow it never occurred to me that this wild connection could go both ways. I never thought about howgoodthat would feel.

I move slowly, crawling down his body, unzipping his pullover and lifting his t-shirt to kiss the trail of dark hair below his belly button. He's already panting when I tug on the waistband of his shorts and curses quietly as he lifts his hips to let me get rid of them. I feel powerful and wanted. So, so wanted.

"Do you want me to put my mouth on it?" I ask innocently, stroking his shaft gently up and down, enough to tease him but not enough to bring him any closer to finishing.

Judah groans, his hands fisting the sheets as I lean forward to run my tongue along the bottom of his cock, feeling myself growing wet all over again. "Don't play with me, little girl. I'm in no fucking state to handle it."

In response, I lean forward and wrap my lips around the head of his cock, slowly circling it with my tongue. Salty precum begins to flow steadily for me as I bob my head up and down, licking him the best I can around his intimidating thickness.

I once heard my freshman-year roommate talking to her friends about a guy she'd hooked up with, complaining that"there's such a thing as too big"and that her cervix was probably bruised. I'd been embarrassed and confused about why I found that so hot, but now that I've found a real-life monster cock of my own, I get it. Just the thought of Judah's big hands holding my legs open, his face full of the pleasure he's feverishly taking from my body, is enough to make me moan around his length and bob my head lower.

He likes it. I can tell by the way the muscles of his thighs tense and how his balls draw up tight to his body.

"Fuck, yes." Judah groans from above me, his hands tangling in my hair to control the speed and depth of my movements. "Don't you dare spit, do you hear me? Keep it on your tongue, and let me see how gorgeous you look with a mouth full of my cum."

I choke slightly when the fat head of his dick hits the back of my throat, but Judah doesn't relent. A few breathless, desperate seconds later, he stills, finishing with a long groan as his seed spills over my tongue in thick spurts. When his hands relax sightly, I pull back to look at him and open my mouth wide, obediently showing him just like he asked.

Judah hisses, his chest heaving. "Fuck. Good girl."

He doesn't leave. I'm not sure why I expected he might, but I'm still surprised when Judah pulls me back onto the bed and curls his naked body around mine. His cock goes from soft to hard again quickly, but apart from nestling it against my ass, he does nothing to move us toward round two.

He holds me until his breathing turns long and even.

The panic sets in soon after that.

Chapter Eleven


Ican'tthinkofanything I would rather do less than have drinks with Tom and John.

A root canal would at least be productive.

Most of Evie and Reuben's friends have arrived for the combined bachelor and bachelorette party tonight, so the resort is suddenly full of young doctors. It's irrational, but I don't want to let Isobel out of my sight. Last night was a breakthrough. She opened up to me in a real way, and she was willingly vulnerable. If the previous few days taught me anything, however, she would try to pull away. I was ready for it, but it was still like a punch to the gut when I woke up this morning to find the bed beside me cold and empty.

I haven't seen her all day. Now, she'll be in the resort's nightclub withfucking Nolanand a pack of my son's friends, all of whom are single, age-appropriate doctors, who her parents would thoroughly approve of. While I'm sitting in the lounge having drinks and smoking cigars with her prick father and my ex-wife's husband.

"There he is." Tom booms over the dimly lit lounge when I walk inside, irritated and practically crawling out of my skin with the need to pull Issy into a dark corner and make sure she remembers who makes her feel.

Tom and John already have drinks and are leaning back in a pair of club chairs, cigars between their fingers. As I sit down, John throws back the rest of his scotch with a satisfied hiss. "Let me buy you both a glass of this. It's excellent." He offers, leaning over to signal the bartender. "Where have you been all day, Hale?"

Wandering the resort in search of your daughter, mostly.

"Just had to take care of some work." I drum my fingers on the arm of the chair. How long do I have to sit here making small talk with a man I've grown to despise?

John is oblivious to my preoccupation, "All work, no play? Still? The other residentshatedhim," He tells Tom, chortling. "He never left the hospital. Made them all look slackers by comparison."