Page 23 of Out of Sight

Everything that comes out of this man's mouth puts my teeth on edge.

Tom makes an offhand observation about my work ethic, and I lose track of the conversation, staring out the nearest window, which has a view of the pathway leading toward the resort's nightclub. I can't stop thinking about last night, the sexy, shocked look on her face when I gave her that first orgasm, and how good it felt to fall asleep with her in my arms. One night wasn't enough. It wasn'tcloseto enough. My previous fixation with Isobel has bloomed into a full-blown obsession, and it's terrifying.

She wants me, that much is clear, but I'm not discounting the possibility she could still run from this. We only have so much time left at the resort-


I blink, looking back over at John and Tom, who are staring at me, bemused. "Sorry." I shake my head and shoot them a strained smile. "What were you saying?"

Tom nods toward the tumbler resting on the table before me. "Your drink is here. Thinking about the wedding?"

"Yes." I lie, picking it up and taking a long sip which burns my throat on the way down but does, at least thankfully, take the edge off.

John nods knowingly. "I feel the same way. Can't believe how fast it all went. She's always been such a brilliant young woman, and I won't pretend I'm not excited to see how the next few years pan out. What steps she'll take."

"And Isobel, too, I'm sure." Tom smiles, lifting his glass in a silent toast. "You and Caroline raised two great young women. Nolan certainly seems taken with your youngest. Maybe we'll have another wedding to celebrate. Crazier things have happened."

Crazier thingshavehappened, but this one sure as fuck won't.

"Of course," John replies without any real enthusiasm, swirling his drink. "It should be interesting to see what Harvard makes of her."

What the hell does that mean?

Tom frowns like he doesn't quite get it, either. "She's quite the student as well, isn't she? Evie's told us she's a very hard worker as well, speaks very highly of her."

John sighs, looking put upon. "Isobel isn't unintelligent, and I hate to say it, but I don't think she'll do well there even if she does manage to get in. She doesn't quitehave itif you know what I mean. It isn't a matter of working hard or even making it through med school. It'sraw talentand the ability to handle your shit when it hits the fan. Isobel doesn't have that-"

The sounds of the lounge have died away, and suddenly all I can hear is a sharp ringing while John's mouth keeps moving, callously listing off all the qualities about his daughter, the woman I love, which don't quite meet his standards.

This motherfucker.

Whatever restraint I've been employing for Reuben's sake is nowhere to be found. Before I can stop myself, I'm on my feet. John's expression barely has time to register shock before I'm looming over him in his chair, my hand gripping the collar of his shirt so hard he chokes.

"Listen to me, you pompous asshole." I hiss, staring directly into his watering eyes, ignoring Tom's alarmed yell and the sounds of a commotion around us. "The way you and Caroline treat Isobel is disgusting. You treatherlike she isn't good enough? As if your Daddy didn't need to buy your ass into Harvard, and the whole goddamn medical community doesn't know about that malpractice lawsuit you settled last year? You're a fraud, coasting by on a famous last name, and if you don't learn to keep yourfuckingmouth shut, I'll put my fist in it next time. Do I make myself clear?"

John sucks in an unsteady breath, and without waiting for an answer, I shove him back into his chair, stalking out through the silent, staring lounge.

I fucked up. I let my temper get the better of me, and I know he isn't going to let this go. The man is fueled by pride and ego. Me publicly shaming and insulting him won't go over well. I personally don't give a damn what John Bradley thinks of me or, more likely, runs his mouth about me. Ido give a damnabout my son being able to marry the woman he loves without stress and Issy not being plunged further into family turmoil.

I'm still so pissed off that I'm barely conscious of walking back to my bungalow until I'm standing in front of the door, a hollow ache in my chest. I want to see her, feel her body against mine, and now I won't until tomorrow at the rehearsal dinner. Everything feels like it's unraveling, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. The next few days will be chaotic, I'll be lucky to get a moment alone with Isobel, and then we'll be off to separate corners of the country.I need more time.

Knowing there's nothing I can do about it tonight, I push open the bungalow door. I expected the inside to be dark and quiet as I left it, but it's not. The bedroom light is on, and the gaping hole in my chest seems to fill back in when I realize the sound of the shower running.

It couldn't be.

Heart pounding, I pad into the bathroom, stopping short at the unmistakable sight of Isobel's naked silhouette standing behind the foggy glass, her head tilted back into the spray of water.

She came back.

This was the last thing I expected, but I should have known that Isobel Bradley would surprise me. Everything about this woman has been completely unexpected in the very best way, and I'm so god-damn blown away by her that I can barely breathe. I can't deny it to myself anymore, not after this.

I'm falling in love with her.

I undress quietly and pull open the glass door, my whole soul warming at the sight of her naked and waiting for me. "Hi." She murmurs, watching as I close the door and step beneath the spray of water with her. She looks so gorgeous, water streaming over her bare skin, pink from the heat. I can't say I've ever gone from exhausted and defeated to ecstatic and horny so quickly before.

I reach out to hold her waist, wanting to touch some part of her. "I wasn't expecting you."

"Is it okay that I'm here?" She asks, her expression suddenly worried as if I'm about to take back all the shit I've said over the last few days because I came home to find her naked.