Page 70 of Psycho

Chapter Nineteen


The colour drains from her face, but I can’t hear fuck all of what’s being said on the other end of the call. Between the silence, and me trying not to lose my shit, I’m struggling to think straight.

Why the fuck would my own sister sell me out?

I’m finally fucking happy, having what everyone else has, and feeling normal for once, so why would she want to destroy that?

Why, as someone who knows me best, go out of her way to take away my fucking happiness?

I need to figure out how to get through to Evie before she finishes her call. She needs to know, though my world is dark, my love for her is pure and real. I need her to think for herself and remember everything we’ve shared together. Yet, when her eyes fill with tears and roll down her cheeks, I’m moving closer and wiping them away, forgetting the last twenty minutes.

“What do you mean he’s missing?”

At her words, my body goes rigid.

Our problems are instantly forgotten, and I’m on full alert. Her chest heaves with short, shaky breaths, until she’s struggling to breathe at all. I take the phone from her and press it to my ear, finding the line dead.

“What’s going on, Evie? Talk to me.”

“I h-have to g-go.”

“Go where? Who was on the phone?”

Ripping the phone out of my hand, she shoves me away and makes a run for it. In my shock, I stumble back and she’s out the door, but I’m hot on her arse as I chase her down the stairs. With not much distance to the club’s entrance, I pick up my pace, catching her up and blocking her exit. My hands tremble as I try to rein in my rage.

“I’m trying really fucking hard not to lose my shit right now. What the hell is going on?” I bellow.

She flinches so hard, I feel it in my soul. I shouldn’t have done that, but I don’t get the chance to apologise when she shouts, “It was the school! Thomas is missing and I need to go!”

Grabbing onto her arms to stop her from leaving, I ask, “What do you mean he’s missing? They lost him?”

My blood boils. Images of inflicting pain on whoever is responsible for Thomas at the school flash through my head, and I’m unable to do fuck all about it.

Off to the side, I see my brothers closing in, and Mayhem taking a call. His old lady works at the school, so hopefully she has some answers for us.

“I’m coming with you,” I tell Evie.

Chaos will set shit in motion to help if needed. I trust him with my life, as well as Evie and Thomas’s. I don’t need to ask.

“No, I’m his mother. I’ll handle it.”

“Good luck trying to stop me.”

Digging out my keys, I thank who the fuck ever I need to that I parked my car here last night.

Rushing over to us, Chaos quickly and discreetly whispers something to me, and out loud says, “May’s on the phone to Lizzie. They’ve searched the whole school three times, and the police have been notified. I’ll call everyone in. We’ll head out and start looking for him.”

“Thank you. I’ll let you know what’s happening as soon as I know.”

Evie and I jump into the car. Starting it up and throwing it into reverse, I’m backing out of the club before she can put on her seat belt.

“It has to be a mistake,” she murmurs, biting her thumbnail, her hands as shaky as her voice.

“He’s probably hiding in a cupboard or something.” I don’t have the heart to tell her what Chaos told me.

I reach across and squeeze her thigh before clutching the wheel and picking up speed.