Page 71 of Psycho

“Wherever he is, we’ll find him,” I promise her.

She doesn’t say another word. When I swing the car into the school’s car park, she jumps out before I can come to a complete stop and runs toward the entrance.

I chase after her, seeing a guy in a cheap suit standing next to two police officers, all waiting for her. The officers eye me, but I brush it off. This is about Thomas, not my hatred of the corrupt police service.

“Ms. Hemingway. Please, come through to my office.”

“I want to know where my son is,” she cries as we’re led down the hall.

Taking her hand in mine, I keep her real fucking close, giving her no chance of pushing me away.

In the principal’s office, he urges us to take a seat in front of his cluttered desk, while the two police officers stand by the wall, remaining close.

“This is PC Roberts and PC Aston.”

“Why are you here? You should be out looking for my son!” Evie fumes, squeezing my hand.

Instead of responding to her, they both eye my leather and patches, causing me to grit my teeth. It’s not the time, nor place, to take focus away from finding Thomas. I have to repeat it five times before I can take a deep breath and bite my tongue.

“My woman asked you a question. What are you doing here when you should be searching for her boy?”

They both stand taller, and the older one affirms, “We’ve circulated a photo Mr. Hanson gave us of Thomas. We have every available officer out starting a search.”

The young one asks, “Is he the type of child who would run away?”

We both shake our heads. I haven’t known the boy long, but I do know he has no reason to run. He loves his mother. I couldn’t imagine him doing something like that.

“No. He’s a happy boy who loves school. He wouldn’t just run off like that,” Evie explains, voicing my thoughts.

“Is there anyone who would take him without your permission?” The young one eyes my patches again. I roll my neck, but it does jack shit to relieve my building anger.

“You better not be asking what I think you’re asking,” I warn.

“We have to cover our bases. I’m sure you understand.”

“Oh, I understand, all right. Wherever Thomas is, it has nothing to do with me or my club. Do your fucking job and find him.”

Evie squeezes my hand tighter. She once asked me what scares me, and I told her nothing did. But for the first time since I was a small child, I’m scared for the boy, for Evie… for us.

“I’ve explained to the police your situation over the last year. Could there be someone from… prison, who would want to hurt you?”

Evie’s cheeks redden with embarrassment. “Mr. Hanson, where I’ve been has nothing to do with this. Instead of putting this on me, you should be asking yourself how a child—my child—went missing while in your care!”

The older officer steps forward. “Does Thomas know his way home from here?”

“We always walk the same way home, so I’m sure he would.”

“Why don’t you go home and wait. We’ll send a liaison officer to you shortly, and…”

I’m on my feet before he finishes. The school is going to have a lot to answer for when parents start arriving to pick up their kids, only to see police outside the school.

“We want updates regularly,” I tell him, pulling Evie up and tugging her to my side. “Come on, Evie. I’ll take you home.”

On the way to the car, I keep hold of Evie and pull out my phone. Hitting up Chaos’s number, he answers on the first ring.

“I’m taking Evie back to her place. The police are setting up a search party. Have you heard anything?”

“Not yet, but all the brothers are coming together. Half are on their way, and the others are already out looking. I’ll meet you at Evie’s.”