Page 84 of Dark Obsessions

‘I missed you too,’ I laughed, wiping at my eyes.

Grace leaned back and held me lightly by the shoulders while scanning my yellowed, bruised face and tear skimmed cheeks. ‘Good things can come out of bad situations. Maeve told me that after she rescued Elias and I. And you all are good things that came from that.’

Her words hit me like a bus. Who knew a teenager would have the wisdom I needed to hear? Grace had seen her share of trauma before ending up with my brother, and if anyone knew about appreciating a silver lining, it was her.

‘Thank you,’ I said, reaching up and taking her hand. ‘I needed to hear that.’

‘Good. Now don’t freak out, but I pinched Cameron’s credit card and booked us all onto a girls holiday on his private island.’ Grace’s eyes crinkled in delight.

‘You did what?’ I said at the same time as my mum.

Cameron came into the room at the same time and shrugged. ‘Don’t worry, they called me to approve the transaction. I upgraded you all to the private plane.’

Grace pouted at the surprise having been foiled as Cameron reached out and messed up her hair. She screeched before jabbing him in the ribs and dissolving into a fit of laughter.

And suddenly my world felt just a bit lighter than it had.



The water sloshed in our pool as Logan tore through it, doing lengths as I sat idly by, ignoring the beer in my hand.

‘Come on, Mac,’ he said, stopping near my seat and resting his elbows on the edge of the pool. ‘You can’t mope about forever. She’ll come round.’

‘Yeah, maybe.’

‘She just needs some processing time. You guys didn’t have the most ordinary start to a relationship, and with everything that went down, her head is bound to be in an awful place.’

‘I want to be her safe space.’

‘You’re going to need to earn it. You can’t stalk a chick and expect her to fall in love with you.’

It wasn’t that I had expected it, but it had been more than just the kinky sex, I was sure of it. The electricity that thrummed between us couldn’t have been only on my side. It couldn’t be imagined.

Could it?

Cameron had turned me away every time I’d tried to visit, and when I’d implored my sister to let me see Katie, she’d turned me down too. Albeit more gently.

I pulled out my phone, checking for the hundredth time if her number worked. Nothing. Had she blocked me? Her social media pages had all gone on hiatus with the media circus surrounding Tommy’s death, and I needed to see her. To know she was okay. To feel her heart beating against my chest, reassuring me she was safe.

What if she never wanted me near her again?

The thought was unacceptable. I would win her back. I had to. She had my heart, and without her, I’d be lost.

‘I hate the silence,’ I said as Logan lifted himself out of the water and towelled himself off before taking the chair next to mine.

‘She’ll soon be back to herself and chatting your ear off.’

‘God, I hope so.’

I missed her sunny smile and infectious laugh.

Logan stood up and patted me on the shoulder, gathering up his things.

‘Where are you off to?’ I asked.

‘I’ve got to go meet the family.’