Page 85 of Dark Obsessions

‘Our family?’

‘No. My fiancée’s family.’

I narrowed my eyes while going through the past weeks in my head. Fiancée? Fuck, he was serious?

‘You’re not going to actually marry the Nicola chick, are you?’

‘I am.’


‘It’s the way it’s always been in families like ours. It’s business.’ Logan ran a hand through his hair as he spoke.

‘It’s stupid.’

‘Says the guy who literally stalked the woman he loves.’

‘Marrying a woman you don’t know is even stupider.’

‘We’ll see,’ Logan said with a shrug.

The silence that settled over the room was too much to bear after Logan left, so I went to find someone— anyone— to talk to.

Hours later, I ended up in Ewen’s club, which was picking up again after the opening night ending in disaster. I sat next to the bar nursing a whisky as people flitted here and there, giggling, flirting and touching one another.

I didn’t want to be there.

Everywhere I looked reminded me of Katie. I’d watched her at the bar with her friends. With Tommy. My eyes hadn’t left her the entire night. I saw the way she watched others playing, her eyes glittering at the acts she witnessed. When hurt had replaced them as she watched Tommy, I’d played my hand and tried to sooth her pain with my tongue, I’d been so certain that she’d want the real me as much as she’d craved my masked self, it had thrown me when she didn’t.

The music rose to a crescendo as my eyes were drawn to the stage where two performers played. The woman was on her knees looking up at the man who held her leash with rapturous adoration. Their relationship could have been strictly professional or full-blown love for all I knew, but that look she gave him sent a shiver through me. Katie had looked up at me like that the night in the woods, and I needed her to look at me like that again. With her big, needy eyes, knowing that I’d do anything for her. That I’d happily kill for her every day if only it meant she let me into her life.

Ewen moved past me, ducking behind the bar to grab something.

‘Stop sitting there with a sour face. You’re ruining the vibe.’

‘I can go...’ I began, but he waved a hand at me before topping my drink up.

‘No, you're fine, just at least try to look like you don’t hate the place.’

‘I don’t hate it.’

‘Tell your face.’ Ewen grinned at me.

‘I might try stopping at Maeve’s on the way home, see if Katie’s re—‘ Ewen cut my words with a shake of his head.

‘You can’t. They aren’t there.’

My hand stilled on the counter as I placed my glass down.

‘Where are they?’

‘Maeve took Katie, Grace and her mum off on holiday. To get her away from everything.’

Sighing, I took another sip of my drink. If she needed an escape to get better, then I’d just have to wait longer.

All I could do was hope she’d come through the fog without hating me.