Page 78 of Dark Obsessions



The first two addresses had been empty.

My heart thundered in my chest as we pulled up to the third, it looking as uninhabited as the others. What if we were too late? It was taking too long to find her.

‘Come on, let’s go,’ Ewen said, squeezing my shoulder as he leaned forward from the passenger seat. ‘I’ve sent some guys ahead to the other two houses. If they find him, they’ll try to take him alive for you.’

‘I don’t care about him. I just want Katie to be okay.’

We walked toward the building, a ramshackle tenement style house that was skinny but tall. Peering through the windows, there were no lights to be seen inside. Logan worked on the lock, forcing it open as I waited, going foot to foot.

When the door finally swung open, I made my way inside, gun drawn. The air was dank and thick with dust. Rooms opened out either side of the corridor, the decor from the seventies crumbling in the dark.

Walking as silently as possible on the worn carpet, we made our way from room to room and floor to floor, cringing as the stairs creaked beneath our feet.


They weren’t there.

Panic welled in my chest as I failed Katie again. Lifting a fist, I punched through the old plasterboard, sending a shower of crumbly dust cascading around us.

Logan pulled me into a hug, capturing me in his arms and gripping me tight. I tried to shrug him off until I gave in, needing the hug more than I thought.

‘What if he’s killed her?’ I whispered into my brother’s shoulder, my voice shaky.

‘He hasn’t. You can’t think like that. She still needs you.’

‘Guys, he’s here.’

I pulled back from Logan’s arms and stared at Ewen. ‘How do you know?’

He held up his phone, showing the AirDrop page. It said ‘Tommy’s iPhone’.

‘You little fucking genius,’ I said.

‘Turn that off,’ Logan whispered between his teeth, slapping Ewen on the arm. ‘If he looks at his phone, he’ll see you, you dingbat.’

‘Shit. Yeah.’ Ewen pressed the side button until his phone dipped to black.

‘But where are they?’ I asked. We’d searched the house from top to bottom.

‘There must be a basement. Some of the old tenements have them.’

It took us almost twenty minutes to locate the trapdoor, finding it in a cupboard. Trepidation made me sweat as I slipped quietly down the stairs, trying to prepare myself for what we’d find there. I sent a prayer up to the god I rarely believed in to let Katie be alive. I needed her to be okay.

At the bottom of the stairs was a tiny dust-strewn room piled with boxes, but through the sea of boxes we found a door.

I nodded to my brothers as I placed my hand over the door handle and took a steadying breath. Pressing the handle down slowly, I inched the door open and peeked inside. There was a full-blown leather furniture filled study, with a window that looked into another room.

There was blood sprayed on the wall below the window. Too much blood. My stomach tensed as I saw it and feared the worst.

I made my way into the room, gun drawn as I listened. There were noises. Noises that sounded an awful lot like the slap of balls on ass and male moaning.

Anger wrapped around me as I held my gun up in front of me, and made my way toward the noises, flanked by my brothers. The first thing that greeted me was Tommy’s white ass thrusting between a pair of legs. I choked back a curse as the dead body he was thrusting into jerked unnaturally. It took a few seconds for me to register that the body had dark hair, not the fiery red of my Katie. It was only then I noticed that the body was on the top of a thick metal cage where Katie cowered. A sea of emotions washed over me as she met my eyes, tears tracking her bruised cheeks. Rage, relief, murderous intent. It was all there. She was alive, and Tommy was going to pay for what he’d done to her.

‘Open up baby, it’s your turn,’ Tommy grunted, pulling himself from the body and grasping Katie by the hair as he pulled her toward his dick.