Page 79 of Dark Obsessions

I heard Ewen gag beside me.

Tommy was a sicker fuck than even I’d imagined.

‘Let her go.’ My voice was low and hard, my anger barely containable.

Tommy dropped her from his grip as he turned, his dick bouncing as he grinned. The way his lips twisted reminded me of the Joker, like his brain was detached entirely from his actions. I swallowed hard as I flicked my gun, pointing to a chair at the side of the room.

Tommy laughed. ‘Well, look who it is. Couldn’t get your own girl, so had to come after mine.’

‘She’s not yours.’

‘She IS mine. She always will be. Look at all the things I’ve done to keep her happy. It was all for her.’ He slapped the dead woman’s ass as he spoke. It took everything I had not to shoot him between the eyes.

‘Get on the fucking chair, Tommy.’

He sighed and shrugged before sitting down, spreading his thighs and not seeming to care an ounce that he wasn’t wearing any trousers.

‘Find something to secure him,’ I said to Ewen and Logan as I kept my focus on Tommy, despite my heart already being with Katie. I needed to go to her, to free her, but I had to make sure Tommy wasn’t going anywhere first.

‘He had cable ties in the other room. He used them on Macey.’ Katie’s voice broke as she said her friend’s name. Goosebumps wound their way up my arms as I glanced at the body atop the cage. Fuck. He’d put Katie through hell.

As soon my brothers had Tommy attached firmly to the chair, I slammed my gun down and went to my knees in front of the cage, reaching through the bars to gather Katie against my chest. ‘Sweetness, I’m so sorry it took so long to find you.’

She sobbed against me as I smoothed down her hair, breathing her in. My body sagged against the cage as I closed my eyes, holding her tight.

‘Where’s the key, Katie?’

‘I don’t know,’ she whimpered.

‘It’s okay. We’ll find it.’

Tommy glared at me as I wrapped Katie in my arms through the cage. ‘Stop fucking touching her. She’s mine.’

‘You’ll be dead soon. She’ll never be yours.’

It was then that the situation hit Tommy as he flailed against his bonds, cursing blue bloody murder as Ewen and Logan rooted through his things to find the key to the cage.

‘Here,’ Ewen said, pulling it from Tommy’s discarded jeans pocket and handing it to me.

Then she was free. I picked her up and cradled her against my chest, each one of her sobs hardening my hatred for Tommy. My sweet girl had only ever been full of light, and he’d done everything in his power to extinguish it.

I held her against me until her sobs subsided, stroking her hair and giving her the love she so desperately needed. ‘It’s okay. I’ve got you. You're safe now.’

‘He killed Macey.’

‘I know. He’ll pay for it.’

I carried her into the other room, kissing her tear covered cheeks as I sat us both in a chair. The way she shuddered at the sight of the blood on the wall renewed my fury.

Ewen and Logan followed us and spoke in hushed tones.

‘He has a fuckload of pictures of dead women in the other room, as well as trophies from his kills,’ Logan said. ‘I’m guessing we’re not going to hand this over to authorities?’

‘Not if there’s anyway his celebrity ass will get away with it. The agent said guys like us funded his band, and you know they’ll have deep enough pockets to try to quash it. Plus, I want to know he’s dead before I leave. I need to see him dead,’ I said.

‘I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep unless I know he’d dead too,’ Katie whispered.

Logan nodded. ‘So we kill him and torch the place? Get rid of the evidence.’