I remained quiet as I pulled the metal mallet out of the bag, placing it on the countertop with a satisfying thunk.
A puddle of piss appeared at Evan’s feet as a whimper left his mouth. ‘Please. I haven’t done anything.’
‘Oh, I very much doubt that, but we’re here for information, not to deal with your personal transgressions.’ I kept my voice calm, needing him to feel like he was the only one out of control in the situation.
‘Information about what?’
‘About a friend of yours. One of your friends killed a woman we know, and we are trying to find him. He’s all but disappeared. That’s where you come in.’ Logan crossed his arms as he spoke, Evan’s eyes widening at the mention of murder.
‘My friends aren’t murderers. You have to have it wrong.’
‘How about your bandmates, Evan? The Gilded Knife is quite the name for a band with a serial killer at its helm.’
Poor guy looked like I’d slapped him, his mouth agape as he tried to process my words.
‘Tommy’s a shithead, but he isn’t a killer.’
‘Confident in that, are you? I have him on video, slitting a woman’s throat in an alleyway. Certainly looked like a killer to me.’ The delaying was making me itch. I understood the getting the victim antsy with our calmness, but I didn’t want to be there. I wanted to put Tommy in the ground and try to build a relationship with my girl. Without the hiding, and the masks. Something real. Something honest.
Evan swallowed audibly as I turned and casually leaned back against the counter, twirling my flick knife between my fingers.
‘Listen, Evan, we don’t want to hurt you. Or rather, it makes no difference to us if we hurt you or not, but we need to find Tommy. His phone isn’t ringing, he’s not at the hotel he usually lives in, he’s not been seen at any of his usual haunts. Now, while I’d love for it to be because something horrible has happened to him, I have a feeling he’s hiding.’ My footsteps clacked on the tiled flooring as I sauntered over to where Evan sat. ‘And I’d really like you to help me with that.’
‘I don’t know where he is. He’s not been in touch for days.’
With a quick motion, I stabbed my knife down into the chair in the small gap between Evan’s thighs. He rewarded me with a squeal.
‘You have been in a band together since you barely had hair on your balls, and you expect me to believe that shit?’
‘It’s true! Tommy barely shows up half of the time, and when he does, he’s off his face with drink or drugs.’ Evan winced when I reached down and pulled my knife from the wood, leaning as far back into his chair as possible.
‘Now that, I can believe. But it doesn’t help me find him, does it?’
‘I’m sorry. I really don’t know--‘ Evan gasped when I held my knife to his cheek, the blade pressing into his skin, close enough to leave a mark but without splitting the flesh.
‘Listen to me. I don’t give a fuck if you live or die tonight. I need something to go on. A lead. You’ve been in a band with him for a decade and you expect me to believe that you don’t know where he lives?’
‘He lives in a hotel, has for years.’
‘And before that?’
‘We had a flat together, all of us in the band. But we moved out when we started making enough to buy our own places.’
‘And Tommy’s never mentioned anywhere else?’
‘He stays at his girlfriend’s house sometimes. Her name’s Katie Thompson, she’s tagged on his insta.’
‘You think we’re stupid enough not to have checked there?’
I stepped back as Evan let out a shaky breath, his mind clearly going ten to the dozen behind his eyes.
‘Our agent would know. If anyone does. They were always whispering together, and Chris was always the one to help him with whatever shit he got into. He has a whole team going around putting out Tommy’s fires, so he doesn’t wreck the band.’
I looked at my brothers, Logan nodded. We weren’t going to get a better lead to go on.