‘Thanks, Evan.’
‘Please don’t kill me.’
‘But you understand that you’re a risk now. We step out of here while you’re still breathing and you’ll run your mouth to the cops, or your agent, or Tommy. And where would that leave us but having to come back and skin you alive for giving us extra grief?’
I had no intention of killing the greasy little musician, but I needed him to believe that I did. If he didn’t believe me, it’d leave me no choice.
‘I won’t tell a fucking soul. I promise.’ Evan trembled as he pleaded his case. ‘Tommy’s been a thorn in my side for years. I won’t miss him. He’s an asshole. He deserves what he has coming to him.’
‘That he does.’ I flicked my knife closed, watching as Evan’s shoulders slumped with relief. ‘You have once chance not to fuck this up. Clean yourself up and go shack up with someone who can be an alibi for a few days. The police will sniff around when we’re through with Tommy, and you’ll want to be in the clear. Tell a soul and you’ll be joining him in hell.’
I packed my bag back up and left my brothers to press home the point while I walked back to the car.
Opening up my phone a few miles down the road, I pulled up the browser and found the info I needed. The Gilded Knife’s agent and manager was one Mr Chris Fraser.
Within minutes of sending the name to my hackers, I had a full address in front of me, as well as pages of information about him.
He lived with his wife and kids on the outskirts of the city, but was last spotted tongue deep in his girlfriend, who had an apartment in the city centre.
‘Well,’ I said to the driver, ‘It looks like we’ll be taking a detour.’
‘Mum,’ I said, groggily as I heard a female voice chatting softly to the nurse.
‘Hey, Katie. No, it’s just me, Maeve.’
‘Oh, I thought my Mum was coming to visit.’ Sitting up with a wince, I rubbed at my eyes.
‘She was going to, but Cameron wangled it so you could come home to ours instead. We’ve got a private nurse lined up who can take care of your pain meds, and since nothing is broken and your MRI is clear, they’ll let us sign you out.’ Maeve stopped talking and fiddled with a button on her coat. ‘Sorry, we should have called you and asked. It’s just that Tommy is still unanswered for and we just need you somewhere safe until everything is sorted.’
I smiled at the closest person I had to a sister. The closest person at all, I guessed, seeing as Macey had sent pictures of Mac and me to Tommy. Even the thought was a punch to my gut. I’d have to cross that bridge later and talk to her.
‘If I come to your place, will you make Cam cook for me?’ I smiled as Maeve giggled.
‘You bet your ass I will.’
‘I’m sorry about Mac... and I,’ I blurted as Maeve took the seat next to me.
‘Hey, I shacked up with your brother and I’ve never apologised to you.’
‘Well, you didn’t really have any choice.’
‘The heart falls where it falls. I don’t own Mac, and I want to see him happy. Do you think you guys have legs?’
Did we? Could the relationship go anywhere? It wasn’t a conventional start to a dating story, but Mac had knocked me off of my feet in the most bizarre, intense and soul drenching way. While I was unsure whether we could somehow take our dark, steamy affair and morph it into something lasting, I couldn’t imagine not being wrapped up in his arms again. Or being pushed to my knees while he fills my head with the dirtiest, most delectable thoughts.
‘Ah,’ Maeve said as two burly men came into the room along with Benny, our years-long chauffeur. ‘It seems we need to get you dressed. It’s home time.’
‘Benny!’ I squealed. It had been months since I last saw him. Whilst an employee, he’d been a vital and solid part of Cam and my youth. Like a surrogate uncle. Steadfast and kind, and always loyal.
‘Miss Thompson.’ He tipped his hat as he scoured my battered face. ‘You are a sight for sore eyes.’
‘More like a sight to give you sore eyes. Come here and hug me. I’ve missed you.’
Benny gave me an awkward cuddle before patting me on the hand. ‘I’m glad you’re okay.’