Page 91 of Bring It On

Sounds like fun.

Text later?


I waited. Looked like that was it. I would not read signs that may or may not be there.

And then more text bubbled appeared.

Later, Zoe girl.

I smiled.

Later, gator.

Was I feeling one hundred percent? No. As confident as could be about Nate? Not even close. But was I going to put negative energy into the universe and hold my breath until he texted me again? Also no. I’d put on my big girl pants, go to work, go to the gym, and take care of me today.

That, at least, I could control.



“Jess, you’re gonna kill yourself.”

My sister got perilously close to the edge. Even though she was only three years younger than me, sometimes it felt like ten. Reckless was the girl’s middle name.

“I hike this trail at least once a week. When was the last time you were up here?”

Admittedly, it had been a few years. “Fair point.”

“Come on. This way.”

Of course, she took the path that was all but a rock climb. But I was up for the challenge.

“So, no boyfriend. Job is good. What else?” I asked. “You didn’t say a lot at dinner.”

“Between Dad and Ben, how can anyone get a word in otherwise?”



“It’s ‘get a word in edgewise.’ Not otherwise.”

“No, it’s otherwise.”

“It’s not, Jess. It’s edgewise.” That’s when I realized it was a pointless conversation. My sister would never admit she was wrong.

“Things are good. I can give you the name of my therapist by the way. He’s awesome.”

I stopped. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“My therapist. I think everyone should have one. Got him after the big breakup. He came recommended from a friend of mine. And it just so happens, he’s a veteran too. Specializes in childhood trauma and PTSD.”

“What, do you have my room bugged?”

Jessica looked at me strangely. “Huh?”