Page 92 of Bring It On

I wouldn’t put it past her. The girl was as nosy as she was reckless. But this seemed to be a coincidence. Or my sister was just highly intuitive.

“Never mind.”

“Anyway, let me know if you want his name. I already asked him if it’s possible to treat siblings. He said it’s fine since my issues don’t have anything to do with you.”

I laughed. “Good to know. “

She was a real pistol, my sister. We’d never been particularly close, but strangely it was Jessica I’d texted the most this past year while I was overseas. All of a sudden, she seemed to be a grown woman when before I’d always seen her as a kid.

“Thanks.” Before I could talk myself out of it, I said, “Send me his info.” I started walking again.


“I guess you didn’t expect that?”

“Not even for a second,” she said as the incline became steeper. Luckily, it was a cool day. “Mr. Macho? I thought you’d say you didn’t need it, or you don’t have PTSD, which is obviously not true, or—”

“Obvious, huh?”

“To most people, probably not. To me? I’m no doctor, but it seems likely. And not surprising. So, tell me about the girl.”

It was so like her to switch topics on a dime like that.

“She’s gorgeous, smart, hard-working. Funny. Positive.”

“Basically just okay?”

I laughed. “Basically.”

“What’s the but?”

“There’s no but.”

“Nate, I can tell there’s a but.”

Fuck me, but Jess was good. “She almost got engaged just before we met. To a wine-drinking doctor.”

Jess, ahead of me, looked back. “Wine-drinking?”

“Zoe loves wine. And lives in the middle of wine country.”

“And you do not.”

“At all.”

“Maybe it’ll grow on you.”

“Probably not.”

“So what?” Her words were coming slower now. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“It doesn’t.”

“So why did you mention it?”

“I dunno.”

“Yes, you do.”