Page 90 of Bring It On


I swallowed the lump in my throat. Refused to let tears well in my eyes, but it was nearly impossible. This sealed the deal. Nate was one hundred percent ignoring me, something he never did except when he was overseas and unavailable, of course.

It was like Erik all over again.

But worse.

Much. Much. Worse.

* * *

I woke up to a buzz on my nightstand.

Send it

Those two words nearly made me cry. How could something so innocuous make me feel just like the blanket I was still snuggled under? The words were pure Nate. Though it was impossible to ignore how much later they came than I would have expected.

But something Charlee had said last night still stuck with me.

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think you probably have a touch of anxious attachment.

I’d never heard of it before, but she filled me in.

I’m no psychologist, but probably from moving around so much. Losing and gaining friends constantly. And Erik certainly didn’t help. It just means you expect people to leave. Try not doing that with Nate. Expect he will stay. Have faith in your bond and just trust his words, but don’t look beyond that for signs something is wrong. Can you try that?

I lay in bed thinking about her words. Only problem was, the signs were there. Nate never stopped texting me like that. And yet, what were my options? Run around worried all the time, pretending to have it together while falling apart inside like I’d done with Erik? Or be like water, and go with the flow. Have faith.

Trust the people I love.

I sat up. Grabbed my phone again. I didn’t ask questions about where he was or why he didn’t text back. When he was coming back to Kitchi Falls.

Just simply. . .

Owen Smith is looking to take a step back from KC’s. He mentioned talking to you about the service industry business. Wanted to know if you might be interested.

He texted me back immediately.

In what exactly?

Not sure. I don’t think he knows. Maybe having a manager? Seems like with a baby coming, he wants to concentrate on the store more than the bar. Makes sense with the hours and all.



Thanks for letting me know.

Don’t ask, don’t ask.

Of course.

What’s on your docket today?

Meetings, meetings, and more meetings. You?

Hiking with my sister. Meeting an old friend for a drink tonight.

So, still staying home. Okay, let him do his thing.