“I know.”

“You see forty-four everywhere you go?”

She nods, seemingly pleased with herself. “It’s like…a sign.”

“You know what day my birthday is, right?”

Blair frowns. “Um…”

I’m not offended she doesn’t know. Why should she? I don’t know hers either.

“It’s April.” I pause for full effect. “Fourth.”

Her eyes grow so big, I worry they’ll fall out of her head. “No way.”

“Way.” I nod.

“That…that is…wow.” I’m pretty sure I stunned her silent, which isn’t an easy thing.

We can’t linger on that tasty little fact. If I don’t watch it, the next thing coming out of my mouth will be that we’re meant to be or some other sappy shit I don’t mean.

“Favorite food.” We need to get back on track.

“Sushi,” she answers.


“Have you ever tried it?”


“Then you don’t know if it’s yuck or not.”

So logical, this girl.

“First job,” I ask her.

“At the hair salon where my mom goes. I worked there every summer and on the weekends during high school until I graduated. I’d answer the phones, greet customers and sweep up hair.” She smiles. “It was fun.”

I like the fact that she comes from money yet worked a job. That’s one thing I can say about the Maguire siblings. They aren’t spoiled or pretentious. They all work hard, and they’re smart and friendly.

Blair? Sometimes she’s a little too friendly.

Ha. What am I saying? I love her kind of friendly.

“Who was your first kiss?” My mind immediately goes to her admitting earlier that she’s been with four guys. As in, she’s had sex with four partners.

I hate that. First, because it’s her so-called lucky number so that’s some shit. If we were to…do anything, would that mean I’d be her number five? God, I hate the number five. Like, I seriously hate it. And second, I absolutely cannot stand the thought of her being with anyone else. Just trying to imagine some other guy touching her is like…

Fuck that. I can’t stand it.

“Benjamin Lathrop,” she admits, and I chuckle. “Why are you laughing?”

“He sounds like a loser.”

She lightly slaps at my chest, and I sort of want to ask her to do it again, just to feel her hands on me. “Stop. You’re mean. Benji was sweet.”

“Benji? Sounds like a dog’s name.”