“That’s what we called him. We were seven! Or was it eight? We were playing spin the bottle because his big sister was playing it with her friends. They were in middle school and having a party, and we were spying on them. So, the younger group of us decided to do it too. I spun the bottle and it landed on Benji, and oh God, I wanted to die. I had to get up and kiss him in front of everyone. And Ruby.”

“Your sister?”

She nods, lost in thought. “I was so embarrassed, but then I told myself a game is a game and so I went for it. I leaned in and kissed poor Benji right on the lips. I believe he turned twenty-five shades of red and then ran up to his bedroom.”

“Sounds like you rocked his world.” I smile.

“More like I embarrassed the crap out of him. Oh well.” A sigh leaves her.

I stare at her bent head, the various shades of blonde and gold woven into her hair. There are even thin streaks of light brown. She’s got some of the prettiest hair I’ve ever seen, and I wish I could run my fingers through it. Grip the ends in my hand and tug on it. Right before I…how did she describe it? Smack her ass?

“Was he your first heartbreak too?”

“Who, Benji?” She lifts her head, her green gaze meeting mine, and she slowly shakes her head. “No. That would be you.”

My heart sinks into my gut, making me feel like a shit. “Come on, Blair.”

I’m tempted to leave. I even position myself like I’m going to leap from the couch.

“Don’t you dare try to leave or make excuses.” She settles her hand on my thigh, like that’s going to keep me in place. I don’t move, letting her think it’s working. “You’re my greatest heartbreak, only because I wish you could see how easy this would be.”

“How easy what would be?”

“Us. You and me.” She gives my thigh a squeeze and my dick stirs to life. “But you’re stubborn and ridiculous, so I’m going to have to be patient.”

I hear the disappointment in her voice, mixed with resolve, and I wonder if I’m just a project for her to work on. “I don’t know if you should.”

“Too late. It’s already happening. You don’t even realize it, yet here you sit with me, your arm around my shoulders and my hand on your leg.” She smiles, like all of this was part of her secret master plan. “Face it, Cam. I’m going to make you fall for me.”

I’m about to disagree, but I clamp my lips shut, not wanting to admit the truth.

I’ve already fallen for her. I’m pretty much gone over her. I just—I don’t want to misstep. I definitely don’t want to fuck this up.

And I don’t want to hurt her.

“So, I’m guessing you have a type then,” I say, slightly changing the subject.

“I do,” she says tentatively. “I mean, don’t we all?”

“Yeah. So, what’s your type?” I’m hoping she’ll give me more insight into the four guys she’s fucked in the past, though that’s also a bit of information I don’t want to know about.

Fucking torture, is what this all is.

“My type?” She lifts her brows.

“Yeah. Come on, don’t be shy. Tell me.”

She raises her left hand and forms her fingers into a gun position, aiming it right at my face like she might shoot me. “You,” she murmurs.

“You’re just saying that because I’m sitting right in front of you.”

“I’m saying it because it’s true,” she counters.

I grab her wrist yet again, keeping her hand where it is—directly in front of my face. Leaning in, I bite the edge of her fingers, keeping it light. Flirty. Fun.

Blair sucks in a breath, her gaze zeroed in on the spot where my teeth just sank into her skin, and she lifts her gaze to mine, that startled expression on her face making me go completely still. “You bit me.”

“You didn’t like it?”