I wince. “A little.”

“Can I make it up to you?”

“Definitely.” I nod, staring at the contents of my cup once more.


“Talk to me.” It’s so simple. But it’s all I want.

Just your basic conversation with Cam. No protesting, no telling me,stay away, you’re my best friend’s sistertype stuff.

“We talk,” he says almost defiantly. He sounds defensive. “Isn’t what we’re doing right now?”

“I want to have a real conversation with you, Camden Fields. I want to know your favorite season. Mine is fall. Do you have a sweet tooth or a salty one? Did you wear braces, because you have really straight teeth, so I’m going to assume yes. What’s your favorite color, your favorite food? What are you scared of? What makes you happy? If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? When was your first kiss, your first heartbreak, your first job? When did you know you wanted to be a football player? Tell me everything.” I prop my elbow on the arm of the loveseat, resting my chin on my fist and wait for his response.



I glanceover my shoulder yet again, checking on that couple who are literally all over each other. As in, she’s currently dry humping his leg and his hands are on her hips, guiding her, their mouths still locked.


“Hey,” I call to them, but they completely ignore me. They start moving even faster, and she’s panting into his mouth. Jesus. “Hey!”

They break away from each other’s lips, both of them glaring at me.

“You two need to take this somewhere else. Get a room,” I advise them, and after a few seconds of heavy breathing and straightening their clothes, they scramble off the couch, linking their hands and shooting dirty looks in our direction as they leave the room.

The moment they’re gone, Blair laughs, and it’s the sweetest sound.

“Glad they’re gone.” She shakes her head. “They were making me uncomfortable.”

Same. Watching them trying to get it on only made me think of getting it on with Blair, and while I would love to do that, I’m definitely not going to make a public spectacle of myself with her.

That I’m even contemplating getting with her is…huge. At least for me, it is.

“Come sit by me.” I pat the empty spot to my left on the couch.

Blair frowns. “Are you sure?”

Damn, I hate that she doubts me, but I deserve it. Fucking Derek, opening his big mouth like he did and telling her I’m a total horn dog. What a dick.

But Derek didn’t lie. The back seat of the Challenger has definitely seen a lot of action—not last week though. Not for a while. That’s where he’s mistaken.

“Positive.” I pat the empty spot again. “Come here.”

She rises from the loveseat and doesn’t hesitate, settling in right next to my side. We’re so close, you couldn’t fit a piece of paper in between us. Her scent swarms me, reminding me that I now own it and can spray it in my room whenever I want. And that realization is making me feel pretty fucking weird, so I focus on the questions she just asked me.

“All right, you want to talk? Let’s talk.” I settle in deeper into the couch, surprised by how comfortable it is. My weight makes the cushions dip, Blair falling into me a little, and I stretch my arm across the back of the couch, dangling my fingers perilously close to her bare shoulder.

I will be touching that shoulder here in a few. Mark my words.

“Do you remember my questions?” she asks hopefully, peering up at me from beneath her thick lashes.

“I’m going to try.” I lean my head back, staring up at the ceiling. There’s an old water stain above me, and a thick spider web in the corner. This place has definitely seen better days. “Um, my favorite season is summer. I have more of a salty tooth I guess, but I do like cheesecake. I wore braces. I had terrible teeth. So crooked.”

She laughs softly, and I don’t need to look at her pretty face to know she’s smiling. “Me too.”