“Hey.” He rests his other hand on my waist, a ghost of a touch that I can’t help but lean into, which means that since the dress has cut-outs, his fingers are now burning into my bare skin. “I’m an asshole.”

“You are,” I readily agree.

“I didn’t have a girl in the back seat of my car last week.”

I swallow hard, briefly closing my eyes. That was the part that got to me the most. He could be flirting with me, staring at me, rejecting me and still hooking up with other women.

“I haven’t been with a girl in…a while,” he admits, his voice low and shivery and doing weird things to my insides. Twisting them all up and making me feel…agitated.

In a good way.

Facing the door, I ask, “Really?”

“B, look at me.” I do as he asks, hating how much I like him just calling me B. “Believe me. Don’t believe Derek. That guy is an asshole.”

“So are you. You just said so yourself.”

“True. But when it comes to you, I won’t be an asshole. I never want to treat you bad. Or disrespect you.”

“Because of my brother?”

“Because of you. I likeyou.Not because you’re my best friend’s sister, either.” He inclines his head toward the open archway to the right of the front door. “Come sit with me. We don’t need to leave yet. I’ll grab us some drinks and we can just sit around and…talk.”

“You want to talk to me? Out in public?” I’m shocked.

His smile is slow. Sexy. Every little part of me lights up and I can’t stop staring at his lips when he speaks. “Yeah. Who’s going to say anything? We’re just friends, right?”

“Right,” I echo, letting him take my hand and lead me into the small, cozy room that actually has seating available. There’s an overstuffed couch and loveseat that are angled next to each other, both occupied by people on either end. I sit on the loveseat and Cam sits on the couch, a small end table with a lamp between us.

“Save my seat,” he orders before he rises to his feet. “I’ll be right back.”

I watch him leave, startled by the turn of events. Confused by my feelings for him. I glance over at the couple sitting on the other end of the couch. They’re completely wrapped up in each other, passionately kissing. I swear I see tongue at one point and I look away, just before I see him touch her boob.

I really hope they don’t have sex in here. That’ll be super awkward.

Cam is back within two minutes, carrying a solo cup in each hand and when he gives me mine, I check the contents inside—it’s blue—before I glance up at him. “What is this?”

“A wine cooler.” He shrugs, slightly sheepish. “They always have a few in the fridge for the girls who don’t want to drink the other stuff.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’ve been to this frat before. A few times.” He settles onto the spot he just vacated, sending a concerned glance toward the groping couple before he takes a swig from his cup. “I wanted to make sure you were drinking something you liked.”

“I drank beer last night.”

“You barely choked it down.”


And I love that he noticed that.

I take a sip from the cup, surprised to find the drink fruity and delicious. I take a bigger gulp, tasting the alcohol this time around, and I make an ahh sound after I swallow.

“You like it?”

I’m a little embarrassed he caught me doing that. “Definitely. Thank you.”

“Still mad at me?”