“Sorry,” she murmurs. “I meant to say men.”

“That’s more like it.” I check out what’s in the dish. A bunch of homemade, lightly breaded chicken strips that are sizzling, they’re so hot. “That looks delicious.”

I could be talking about the food. I could be talking about her. Take your pick.

“Dinner ready yet?”

Knox’s booming voice comes from behind us and I smoothly edge away from her, turning to find him striding into the kitchen with a smile on his face. “Smells good, Blair.”

“It’s almost done,” she says, bustling around the kitchen. I step out of her way, ignoring the look she sends me as I mosey out of the kitchen and settle onto a barstool at the counter, covertly watching her while I pretend to mess around on my phone.

She makes small talk with Knox, catching up on family drama. Why their mom and dad are acting mysterious lately and how they both think their parents are up to something. Blair asks him about the girl at the bookstore and Knox immediately clams up, which has Blair sending me a knowing look. I return it, enjoying the moment, feeling like I’m a part of a secret club, which is some stupid shit, but I can’t help it.

There’s something so comforting about hanging out with the Maguires. Even if I want to get Blair naked and under me and am denying myself the pleasure, I can still enjoy spending time with her.

It’s torture, but I’ll take what I can get.

“What’s going on with Ruby?” Knox asks after Blair hands him a glass of water.

She gives me one too before she says, “Ruby isn’t happy where she’s at.”

“What do you mean?”

“Um, she says she’s not enjoying the college life there. Called it boring.”

“She should come here then,” Knox says, as if that’s the most logical answer to Ruby’s problem.

“I doubt very much she wants to come here.”

“Why not? You and Ruby could get an apartment together next year. Or even next semester.”

Blair returns her focus to the oven, pulling out a cookie sheet covered with french fries. My stomach growls when the smell hits me. “I already have roommates. And it’s not like Ruby can drop everything and come here. She’s just feeling lonely. Homesick.”

“Do you ever feel lonely and homesick?” Knox asks his sister.

She keeps her back to us, grabbing a spatula and stirring the fries around on the pan as she salts them. “Sometimes.”

I hate hearing that. It makes me want to go comfort her, which is some sappy shit.

“You know you can come over here anytime you want and we can hang out.” Knox always the protective big brother.

Though I’m not sure how comfortable I would be with Blair hanging out over here all the time, just because she’s lonely.

Talk about temptation.

“That’s very sweet of you, but I swear it gets easier every day. Plus, it’s always an interesting time, hanging out with my roommates.” She laughs almost to herself, which gets Knox’s attention. And mine.

“Why do you call it an interesting time?”

“Because Rita and Cheyenne are…interesting people.”

“That sounds suspicious.” Knox glances over at me. “What do you think?”

I throw up my hands in front of me in a defensive gesture. “I have no skin in this game.”

“Oh, please. They’re harmless. You met them, Cam,” Blair reminds me. “Or did you forget?”

I didn’t forget. I don’t forget a single damn thing when it comes to Blair and what’s going on in her life.