“Practice was good this afternoon, yeah?” Knox’s voice is casual as we walk out to the parking lot, heading toward his truck.

“It was great,” I reassure him, knowing exactly why he’s asking. “Your knee seems better.”

“It is. I’ve been going easy on it and I managed to go to a PT session this morning. It seems to help.” Knox stares off in the distance, his expression thoughtful. “I can’t fuck this knee up, man. I need to be careful.”

“You’ve got this,” I say, casual as shit. I’m not worried about Knox. He’s going to have a stellar season and then when it’s over, he’ll go on to the NFL draft, get picked for a team and his life will be perfect.

“I still gotta be careful,” he says, hitting the keyless remote and unlocking his truck. “You’re looking good out there.”

“Better than Ace?” Saying his name leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I shouldn’t let that kid bother me but…

He bothers me.

“What the hell, man? Yes, of fucking course, you’re better than Ace. He’s good, but he’s no Camden motherfuckin’ Fields.” Knox grins as he opens the driver’s side door.

We climb into the truck and head back to our apartment, nerves making my knee bounce up and down. I try talking about football. Hell, Knox isstilltalking about football, but I’m just giving him one-word answers while I stare out the passenger-side window.

I can’t stop thinking about Blair.

How sweet she smells. How fucking tempting she is. How I followed her into the bathroom at Logan’s like a trained dog a couple of nights ago, giving her exactly what she wanted.

The satisfaction knowing that she still holds some sort of power over me.

I could’ve kissed her. I could’ve mauled her and she would’ve probably loved every second of it. I would’ve loved it too, but how do I face her after doing that?

How do I face the very guy sitting in the truck with me?

Yeah, I can’t. And that’s why I backed away. Why I left her in that bathroom and strode out into the bar and told Derek I was leaving. I might’ve been buzzed before that encounter, but after? Stone-cold sober. I drove home as if I hadn’t had a drop to drink, took a shower, jerked off to thoughts of me fucking Blair against that cold tile bathroom wall and fell asleep, only to have fucking dreams about her.

Just like she said she had dreams about me.

The girl—excuse me,woman—is driving me out of my fucking mind. And now I have to face her in a few minutes. She’ll probably be wearing a smirk, her eyes dancing with mischief, and while I know I’ll enjoy her homecooked meal, it’s also going to be tough, trying to act like she doesn’t affect me, while sitting there with her overprotective brother.

Fuck my life.

We’re back at the complex in record time and the moment we walk into our apartment, the scent of something cooking that isn’t ramen or microwavable bullshit hits my nose, making my mouth water.

“Smells good, sis,” Knox calls as he heads to his bedroom to get rid of his stuff.

I drop my bag on the couch and make me way to the kitchen to get seeing Blair over with, stopping short at the vision that greets me.

Blair bent over and peering into the oven, her ass in perfect alignment for me to stare at. She has on denim shorts that show off her long, tanned legs and a white T-shirt, and oh Jesus, she’s got a freaking apron on, the cloth belt sitting in a neat little bow right at the base of her spine.

I scrub the back of my head, unsure how to proceed.

She stands up straight, closing the oven door partway before she bumps her hip into it, making it slam shut as she settles the glass baking dish on top of the stove. She’s completely oblivious to me watching her, and once she’s no longer handling anything hot that could burn her, I clear my throat to announce my presence.

“Oh.” She turns to face me, and yep, there’s the smirk. “Hey.”

“A homecooked meal, huh?” I raise a brow, crossing my arms as I lean my shoulder against the wall.

“I thought you boys would like to eat something other than takeout or whatever else you two consume.” She turns away from me, poking at whatever is in the baking dish, and I glance over my shoulder, making sure Knox is nowhere around before I quickly walk right up behind her.

“Boys?” I shift closer, looming over her shoulder, my front brushing her back, and she goes completely still. “Don’t you mean men?”

She stares straight ahead for a beat, then turns her head to meet my gaze. I’m standing way too close to her, basically invading her personal space, but I don’t give a shit. I like being this close to her.

Way too much.