Page 70 of The Bad Girl List

Fuck, she’s gorgeous. I run my hands through her wet, pink folds, watching her eyelashes flutter as I work her clit.

“Trevor.” The way she whispers my name makes my body hum. I want to go down on her, but I’m held hostage by her hand around my cock.

I try to remember if I have a condom, but I don’t even know if I grabbed my wallet on the way out the door. I don’t even know if I have condoms that haven’t expired. I can’t remember the last time I bought new ones.

Fuck condoms. At the rate Dom is going, I’m going to come right in her hand. I work her clit harder, wanting her to come with me.

Then her phone dings.

Then, a few seconds later, it dings another three times.

The effect is like someone throwing a cold bucket of water at us. Our eyes lock. I watch reality flood into her gaze as my own senses return to me. I can’t tell what she’s thinking.

“That might be my family.” She releases my cock and does a haphazard job of trying to tug my boxers over it. She pulls her dress back up over her breasts before retrieving her cell phone.

That sensation of an alternate reality returns. I feel like there are two Trevors out there. In one of them–this one–there is me, the man who fell in love with Elle.

In another parallel universe, there must be another version of me who falls for Dominique Chen. The connection between us is a living thing. If I wanted to, I could reach out and touch it. It feels like an avalanche poised on a precipice. One shove, and the whole thing could come apart and sweep us away.

What I feel for Dom crowds up close against the memories of Elle. It leaves me feeling disoriented and confused.

“It’s Annika,” Dom says. “She says your mom and her friends are whispering about how cute we look together.”

“What?” I’m still struggling to come back to myself. Dom might be standing two feet away, but I can still feel the impressions of her hand around my dick and her nipple in my mouth.

“And apparently my mom keeps looking toward the vineyard. We’d better get back up there.”

My sanity starts to return. It feels like anchors dropping out of the bottom of my feet.

“Sure. Okay.”

Her smile is hesitant. “You okay, Trevor?”

“Yeah.” I stand from the bench. As I do, I notice her shredded underwear lying on the ground. Had I really done that?

“Um, do you mind?” Dom picks up the slip of fabric and holds it out to me. “I don’t have a pocket, and I can’t exactly put them back on.”

“Sorry about that.” The words come automatically, but then I wonder if I really am sorry.

“It’s fine.” Even in the darkness, I see her face flush.

Another rush of heat goes through me as I crumple the cotton in my hand and shove it into my pocket. It takes all my willpower not to grab her and kiss her again.

“We should probably get back before they send out a search party.” My tongue feels thick in my mouth when I speak.

“Okay.” She smiles at me as we walk back up to the event center, both of us careful to keep space between us.




The dinner party wraps up shortly after we return. Dom and I stay a healthy distance away from each other, keeping our goodbyes casual as her family loads into their minivan. My parents are relaxed and good-natured, not doing anything else weird, thank God. Gramps and his friends are riled up after losing money to Dom’s family, and there’s talk of a rematch, but I don’t pay much attention.

I’m too busy pretending not to be watching Dom’s every move. I’m too busy thinking about how much I want to call her when dinner is over to see if she wants to come back to my place. I’m too busy being preoccupied with how badly I want to be number ten on her Bad Girl List.

It isn’t until I’m driving back to my house, the memory of Dom’s mouth and body clogging up my brain, that something happens.