Page 71 of Stuck With You

As I round the counter to the back room where they prepare their orders, Dax and I smack right into one another as he makes his way towards the main shop to see what the commotion is.

‘He scared me when he yelled,’ the young woman explains, pointing at me as if I threatened to rob her.

‘Not a problem. He’s the most obnoxious guy I know, so I understand completely. Sometimes he even scares me,’ he jokes as he picks up the mess and repots the plant so you’d never even know it happened.

‘Ha-ha, funny boy,’ I say.

Dax returns the plant to the woman, handing it to her. ‘I hope this looks fantastic wherever you planned to put it.’

‘I haven’t bought it yet,’ she reminds him.

‘Consider it a gift from River.’ He nods his head my way. ‘Enjoy.’ He ushers her out while she thanks him profusely, promising to recommend The Flower Boy to all her friends and family as I wait behind the counter for him.

‘You owe me thirty bucks,’ he says as soon as the door clicks shut behind her.

I yank my wallet from my back pocket, but I’ve only got twenties. ‘Can ya break forty?’ I ask, handing him two of the bills.

‘Nope,’ he says with a smirk, shoving the cash into his back pocket as he walks past me to the back room. I follow. ‘Why are you here startling my customers in the middle of the day?’

‘I need to make an order,’ I say with a smirk.

He glances up at me suspiciously. ‘You and Caite didn’t make up, did you? After you disappeared upstairs, the “family dinner” was awkward, considering half the guests left without saying goodbye. I was a little worried you went home with her.’

‘You were worried I went home with my ex and her husband? Man, I thought you knew me better than that.’ I scrunch my face. ‘For the future, never let those words leave your lips again. Caitlin and I now have an agreement. I pretend she doesn’t exist, and she does the same.’

‘Alright, then why do you need flow—’ He stops mid-sentence, a curious smile growing. ‘Jade?’

I lift my shoulders to my ears guiltily. ‘Maybe.’

‘Maybe what?’ My sister’s voice echoes through the shop as she enters the back door. Instead of turning to face her, I pretend she doesn’t exist until she pokes me in the spine.

‘Ow!’ I moan. ‘Why do you resort to physical violence? Is it because you’re the size of a garden gnome?’

She shoots me a glare. ‘You once sat on me and farted,’ she reminds me.

‘I was sixteen. I haven’t done it lately. Jesus, I think you poked a hole in my spine.’ I wiggle around, trying to reach it, but everything feels intact.

‘Riv is here to order some flowers…’ Dax fills her in.

She sidles up to her giant of a fiancé and pecks a kiss on his lips, standing on her tiptoes to speak directly into his ear, but like the annoying sister she can be, she doesn’t attempt to lower her voice. ‘I’ll do dirty things later if you tell me.’

‘Good God, now you’re trying to make my ears bleed?’ I moan, making Dax laugh.

‘Come on,’ Hols says. ‘Who are you buying flowers for? Could it be your new fiancée?’ she laughs.

‘Perhaps,’ I say coyly.

Hollyn stops, turning to me, her hands on the tabletop and her jaw agape. ‘Wait, what happened to her real boyfriend?’

‘He’s a douche, and she’s finally starting to see that.’

‘Really?’ Dax asks with surprise.

‘Yep. I think she’s gonna dump him. For me.’ I point both thumbs my way proudly.

‘For you?’ Hols asks like she can’t believe it. ‘Because you requested it, or to “do you” without shame?’

I shake my head, running my hand through my hair. ‘I’m serious. There’s something there. Even she’s admitted it. Now I’m trying to find a way to make sure it goes perfectly. Obviously, I had to take advantage of my flower-loving buddy’s services.’