Page 72 of Stuck With You

‘Oh my God,’ Hollyn says with a grin. ‘You truly like this woman.’

‘I do. More than I thought possible.’

‘Riv!’ She swoons. The girl is lovesick. So much so that I almost can’t wait for this wedding to be over. ‘This is so exciting! What should we make for her?’ she asks Dax.



‘Finally,’ Kai says excitedly after I announce that Conner and I are soon over. There’s just no way I can continue with how things are going, not to mention the fact that I’m feeling something for someone else.

‘She’s found her worth and is dumping Mr wishy-washy wannabe ER doctor, for status. A boy who never put you above everyone else unless you were putting out. Gross.’

That is gross. I can’t believe I was so blind to it. Love really does make you see things differently. If that’s what this even was, love. But I doubt it. I suspect he caught me at a vulnerable time, just like River suggested not long ago. I probably would have said yes to anyone.

‘Please, don’t settle next time. Wait for Prince Charming. You deserve that.’

‘In my defense, at the time, I thought Conner was that,’ I say as I furiously wipe down the counter.

Now I have to figure out how to dump him. I wanted to do it via text, but Laney thinks that’ll be too cowardly, considering we’re engaged. So, I guess I’ve got a phone call to make. But not yet because I’ve no idea what words I’ll use, and if I called him now, I’d probably stumble, he’d charm me, and I’d be in the same circle of dread I’m already in.

Adam rolls his eyes. ‘He was never that, Jade. Prince Charming will bring you flowers, chocolates, and gifts while telling you how pretty you are.’

‘Well, that guy has been proving difficult to find. I honestly don’t understand how so many people are coupled up in the world. How in the hell did they find one another? And how did they just know they were the one?’

A rattle at the front windows startles us.

‘We ain’t open yet,’ Adam yells from where he is, his back to the door.

‘Oh my stars,’ Kai says, looking towards the window.

I glance that way, and standing on the sidewalk out front is River, holding a giant bouquet while repeatedly knocking on the window with an adorable grin.

‘Huh, say his name enough, and I guess he’ll appear, like Beetlejuice, only less creepy. It would appear Prince Charming has arrived,’ Adam says.

Roman unlocks the door to let him in while Kai and Adam do their best to pretend they’re busy while hovering close enough to eavesdrop on every word. We’re before opening, so the overhead lights are on. It’s not nearly as magically tropical here as when we’re open. Right now, it looks like a plain old bar that someone filled with relics of oceanside establishments taken from previous vacations.

‘Mah lady,’ River says dramatically, setting the flower arrangement on the bar before me. It’s huge and filled with every tropical flower and greenery imaginable – palm leaves, Bird of Paradise, hibiscus, flowers I don’t know the name of, even lilies. It must have cost him a fortune.

‘I can’t even see you around them,’ I laugh. ‘But they’re beautiful.’

He sits on a stool where he can see me. ‘I know a guy. He’s pretty good with flowers.’

‘They’re amazing! I can’t even remember the last time someone brought me flowers. Thank you.’

He nods. ‘I’ve been doing some thinking. This might sound completely whacked but hear me out, alright?’

‘Alright,’ I say nervously.

‘Remember the seance we did recently?’

‘How could I forget that? We caused the whole building to evacuate at four in the morning. I can never show my face there again.’

He laughs. ‘Well, when you showed us your dream engagement ring, I almost shit my pants.’

I side-eye him. ‘Wasn’t that kind of the night’s “theme” for you?’ I joke.

His head drops, and he drags a hand down one side. ‘I forgot you’d seen me at my worst.’