Page 29 of Sweets of Summer

“I love you, don’t dis my music.”

“Love you, too. I wasn’t. Concerts are loud, dork. Go. Be careful.”

“We will!”

I had a feeling if the boys weren’t careful, Brenna and Cindy would get in a mosh pit fight and it would all go downhill. If they have those. Shit, it’s been so long since I went to a concert. At least they were going to see two good bands. I would be jealous this time. They were getting to see Three Days Grace and Shinedown. I loved Shinedown. But after this news, it was a good thing I wasn’t planning on going.

I pulled my phone from the bedside table before I plopped on the bed.

Me: C, bring me back a T-shirt. Please!

Cindy: You already asked for one. ??

Cindy: I’ll get one for Nich as well. You can wear it once you start showing. ?? That belly will be huge!??????

Me: ????????????????????????

Cindy: ??????

“Why am I friends with her?” I huffed, a laugh creeping up my throat. “Butthead.”

I pulled up a new text box.

Me: Can you make a stop before you come home?

My Sexy: You okay?

Was I? Maybe? I wasn’t sure how to go about this but…

My Sexy: Dana?

My Sexy: Ten minutes and I’ll be there.

Me: I’m okay, don’t panic. ??

Me: Can you pick up Chinese?

Me: Chicken Lo Mein with egg rolls and cheese wontons, please.

My Sexy: You sure you’re okay?

Me: Yes, baby. I’m just hangry.

My Sexy: Okay. See you in twenty then.

My Sexy: Love you

Me: Love you more!

Here goes nothing.



“Morning, Dana, how are you this morning?”

It took me a minute to get myself turned around without smacking the display case, my big belly, or Lacey in the head with the tray I held.