Page 28 of Sweets of Summer

Thank you god for letting my best friend and sister be okay. I couldn’t handle life if I lost her. My silent prayer joined the clouds rolling in around us, and here I sat, waiting.

~ Three and a half months later ~

“You sure? Oh my god!”

I couldn’t look up at Cindy; my gaze was glued to the white stick in my hand. It had two lines. The one beside it read ‘pregnant’ on the little screen. The two on the floor beside that one both confirmed I was pregnant. A blue line, a pink plus… What in the name of all that was holy happened here?

Well this explained a lot… Maybe.


“Oh no, sug. If I have to explain this to you—”

“Shut up.” Panic was rolling through me on a level so high, I had to jump up and run to the bathroom. My stomach, god, it’s been hating on me for weeks. I thought it was just stress. Work. Long hours. Cindy’s attack. Guess not. If these tests were to be believed—and yeah, I believed them—I was knocked up. With child. Pregnant. Me.

Sweet Jesus.

“This explains why you’ve been so emotional the past month or so.”

“I’ve been stressed.”

“And pregnant. Wait ‘til I tell Brenna and Mara. They go away for a romantic honeymoon not pregnant and you stay here with your dom cop boyfriend and get knocked up.”

“You tell no one. Not until I can tell Nich. I mean it. Do not say a word, Cindy. Not one word.”

“You have to tell him soon. I can’t keep this from our friends. Especially with construction going on next to your shop. That stress isn’t going to sit well with that little peanut in there.”

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I took the wet rag and cup of water she offered me. I swished the water, rinsing out my mouth, then washed my face. Pregnant. How did this happen? We were careful. He always used a condom.

“Oh damn,” I blurted.


I started to laugh. I knew exactly when this happened. If you believed in that first time crap. Shower sex. That night… I shivered in the remembered pleasure. That night Nich had come home to find me in the shower shaving. He’d thought I was playing with myself, of course. He’s a man.

He’d come in, gotten on his knees with my foot still up on the bench, and helped to shave me. Then…he and I finally had to get out of the shower because the water was as cold as the arctic. That night had been full of moans, orgasms, and apparently, he’d made a baby.

“This is all on Nich and his need to have me all the time.”

“Um, whoa there. I don’t need details.”

“Liar.” I shook my head. “There’s only one time that I can remember that he didn’t wear a peen hat. Well, one night ‘cause there was many, many—”

“Hey, I don’t need to know all of your kinks,” Cindy laughed, throwing another wet rag at me. “No one calls it a peen hat. That sounds stupid.”

“Sorry. Damn.” I got to my feet and hugged her tight. “I’m okay now. I’m not sure how he will react, but I am going to tell him tonight. I can’t hold onto this…not right now.”

“He will be over the moon. The man loves your crazy ass, after all.”

“I know he does, but this is a big change. We’ve not really talked about kids much. Not seriously anyway.”

“It will be okay. I know it will.”

“Thanks, now get going. Spencer is waiting. Probably ready to break your door down.”

“Oh, yeah. I’ll call you when we get back from Portland Friday night.”

“Don’t let anyone kidnap you or Brenna. Don’t go deaf.”