Page 23 of Sweets of Summer

“You will stay away from him, you hear me? You might be a badass hyped up on sugar, but he is a dangerous man. I will wear that backside out if you even think about it.”

“Jesus,” Cindy’s mutter pulled my attention away from Nich for a split second.

“Right?” I said, then brought my gaze back up to his.

“Dana Michelle Oliver…”

“Um…” I squirmed in the seat. The man had no freaking clue how sexy he was right now. I, however, had a front row seat for this and god have mercy on my soul, I wanted to jump him right here, right now. It was like the heat rolling off of him had some kind of intoxicating…something that just poured off of him. Lately all he had to do was look at me and I was horny. It was weird, but I secretly loved it. I loved him.

“Man, you’re drawing a crowd,” Spencer chuckled.

Nich pulled back, leaving me breathless. His smirk made me want to punch him…then again, I still wanted to get him naked.

“I think you broke her,” Cindy said laughing. “And you managed to run off the asshat. Nice job.”

Blinking, I looked around and shook myself. What. Was. That? A shiver rolled through me at the heat in Nich’s eyes. Maybe I would just close for a few hours, then come back when Lacey came back after class. Yeah, that was a good idea. It was maybe time for me to use those cuffs on him. Yes, done deal.

“All right, you guys, here we are. Watch the plates, they’re hot.”

I grasped the fork he unwrapped from the napkin and took in a deep breath. Syrup, sugar, bacon: it was heaven to my senses. Almost as good as… Nope, stopping that thought train right now. As the others talked, I sat, eating; my tummy was so happy as I shoveled in every single bite of food. I was also beyond stuffed. When I realized the table had gone quiet, I opened my eyes to find everyone staring at me.

“What?” I brought my hand up, making sure I wasn’t wearing any of the food. ‘Cause ya know, when it's that good, messes can happen. With me at least.

“You look ready to crash, toots.” Cindy smiled over at me. “And you ate everything on your plates and part of Nich’s.”

“Sorry, I was a little hungrier than I thought I was.” I felt my face flame.

Nich, though, used to me stealing from his plate, leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “What’s mine is yours, love. You do, however, look ready to crash. I think you need to come home and have a nap before you go back to work. Let that food fuel your body, and no more shots of this or that.”

“Yeah, guess that wasn’t such a good idea. It’s hitting me a lot harder than it has before.”

“You’ve been at work since 2:00am, crazy.”

“Exactly, I was exhausted before I even started.” I chuckled.

“You’re going to explode your heart with all of that sugary caffeine.”

“Hey, at least I’m not drinking three monsters a day,” I said looking at Cindy.

She had the good grace to blush and duck her head slightly.

“I’ve cut down to just a couple a week now, thank you, Mom,” she shot back.

I snorted, throwing a balled up napkin at her. “Guess that’s better then. I need to stop sampling all of my treats. My pants are getting tight.” I rolled my eyes. “I may need to start running again, but I don’t know when I’ll have time.”

“I’m not a fan of running unless I’m being chased,” her hand went up to cover Spenser’s mouth as she continued, “but we can go for long walks on the beach. That I am down for. We can do that old lady fast hip shaking walk, get our heartrates up and all.”

“I think we can find other ways of getting you sweaty and working off calories, baby. However, I see absolutely nothing wrong with your body. I love you as you are.”

Melt me like butter and call me done. The man was just…damn. I was a lucky bitch.

“Same. I think I proved that…”

“Ew, no, sir. Do not talk about what I almost walked in on this morning. I could have died from shock.”

“Aww,” Spenser mocked. “Does Deputy Cuffs there not do the good things in the bedroom?”

Cindy swatted him, all while laughing, mind you. I just rolled my eyes.