Page 24 of Sweets of Summer

“Don’t worry about me, kid, I know how to make my girl happy. Very, very happy.”

“Okay, we are not having a sex talk right now. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Why are men so damn worried about who has the bigger shlong? Really? I have a vibrator, after all. I can make myself happy. Move, come on, pay the check, and we can go home. I want a nap now.”

It wasn’t until Nich turned to pin me to the seat that I realized what I’d just said. I mean, it was all true, but…he didn't like when I talked about my vibe. I think he felt like I wasn’t happy with him. I was, but some nights he wasn’t home and a girl had needs. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth while pulling in a breath through my nose.

“We talked about this. That thing has been retired, yes?”

A shiver of excited anticipation rolled through me. If I said no, I may not be able to walk straight later. If I said yes, well, I still may not be able to walk later, but I’d sure as shit have a goofy ass grin on my face. I mean, dealer's choice. Either option would make me a very happy girl right now.

“Dana,” he leaned in impossibly closer so he could whisper against my lips, “Do I need to spank that perfect ass of yours? Do you want my handprints marking you today?”

Fuck me—yes, yes, I did. I swallowed. “Yes, please.”

There was absolutely no shame in my game. I trusted Nich completely. He never did anything I didn’t like. He wasn’t an aggressive, abusive man in bed. He was the lover of lovers. He gave me what I wanted, and yeah, in the bedroom, I wanted to be dominated, told what to do, and how to do it. I liked giving up that complete control. The man could work my body up so high that when I did fall over that wall he’d built, it was magnificent.

He sat back, smirking. His wallet was out, bills dropping to the table. “If you guys wanna order more or whatever, have at it. Enjoy. I’m taking my girl home.”

Cindy looked at me and winked. “I’ll make sure Lacey gets in later with no issues.”

“I’ll be there.” I slid from the booth and took Nich’s outstretched hand.

“Uh huh, sure you will,” she laughed softly.

My face flamed, and I looked away. “I’ll see you later, woman.”

“Bye, have fun!” she called out, still laughing.

Did I care that they knew he was taking me home to get naked and do the horizontal mambo? Hell no. We were all adults, after all. I, for one, was not in any way ashamed for having needs and a man willing to take care of them whenever I wanted.

Again, I was one lucky girl.

Chapter 13


Spencer and I were sitting in the cafe, eating our breakfast, trying not to look suspicious.

Well, he was grumbling, while I stuffed my face with blueberry crepes. Dana and Nich just left, but they gave me a stern warning beforehand. I was not supposed to confront Stefan. It pissed me off that he was just sitting there, enjoying his food, and looked like he had no cares in the world. He didn’t deserve to feel that way. Hell, in my opinion, he didn’t deserve to breathe the same air I did, but here we were.

"Goddammit! I want to knock his head off his shoulders so fucking bad! How are you so calm, sweets, while I'm over here grinding my teeth to dust?"

I wasn’t as calm as he thought I was. Why did he think I've been stuffing my face so fiercely? I loved food, don't get me wrong, but right now? It was more so I concentrated on what's in front of me, instead of who's three tables down from me. I had a really bad feeling that something was about to go down, and I wished to the high heavens that Nich didn't take off. Stefan was too calm, and that wasn’t him.

He was usually only like this right before he attacked, and that's what I was afraid of.

Grabbing Spencer's hand from across the table, I reassured him I was okay by saying, "This is just another bump in the road. I've been on this road for a very long time, and it's time to get off. Yes, he infuriates me, and yes, I'm still scared of what I know he's capable of. Will that stop me from living this beautiful life I've found? Hell, no. I won't let him win, Spencer, and you shouldn't either. He craves attention, and right now, he knows he's getting it!"

He squeezed my hand, shaking his head in agreement. I loved that he was so protective of me, but I also didn’t want Stefan to get to him. I never wanted my past to come back and affect others, especially my gang. I would never want to drag anyone I care about through the mud. Hell, I was surprised they hadn’t told me to go fuck myself, that I was too much trouble. Just the fact that they hadn’t, shows how much loyalty they had towards their friends.

"Let's get out of here. What do you say, sweets? I've seen enough trash for one day. I'd rather spend the rest of it hanging with my gorgeous girl at the festival. Bumper cars and elephant ears sound damn good right now. Just let me go pay the bill real quick and then we can jet. Sounds good, yeah? Are you going to be okay here for a minute?"

"I'll be fine, Spencer," I said. It's not like he was going too far, anyways. I watched as he walked up to the counter and had a little chat with Henrietta while paying the bill. I took my eyes away from him to eat the last few bites of my food, when I sensed someone behind me. I quickly looked over to where Stefan was sitting, and the seat was empty. Were you kidding me right now? He wasted no time getting to me while the coast was clear. I should've figured as much.

"What do you want, Stefan? Spencer will be back shortly, and if you had any smarts left in that stupid head of yours, you'd take off before he sees you bugging me."

I guess the truth hurt because I could see his face turning red. Hit a nerve, much? He leaned down so his mouth was against my ear, and it caused goosebumps to race down every inch of both my arms.

I looked to see if Spencer was noticing the interaction, and he was gone. Fuck me. Where the hell did he go?