Page 60 of Irene

They gathered around him on the bed.

His father’s growl was typical Ezrob. He might have been irritated or not. “Yes, Captain Nil insisted I tell him where you might be. He told me he suspected you’re harboring a fugitive.”

“You mean the woman he tried to kidnap in our presence.”

“That’s what I said. I also insisted he stop trying to cast it as a rescue effort. You and I don’t usually see eye to eye, but on this, I wholeheartedly approve of your actions.”

It took all of Rusp’s self-control to keep from gaping in shock. He could count on one hand how often Ezrob had agreed with his decisions. “Thank you for understanding.”

“This Nil sounds like an idiot. He’s the sort who does what he’s told because he’s an obedient little soldier who can’t be bothered to think for himself. Or maybe he’s just hoping one of the poor women he’s grabbed will join his clan. Asshole.”

“Irene mentioned he seemed interested in a particular woman until he learned she was married.”

“Why aren’t I surprised? Unfortunately, I have to play the supportive role in public and call these kidnappings ‘rescues.’ To do otherwise will unleash hell from the Galactic Council on the empire.”

“It’s a balancing act,” Rusp supposed, but he thought his parent, having a position of power, would have done better to express his opinion freely.

“It’s shit. You need to take the woman to safety as soon as you can, but wait a bit longer. Wherever you’ve hidden must be effective since Nil tried to convince me to give you up. I’ll keep tabs on him and let you know when you can smuggle her close to Earth trade routes.”

“That would probably be our best bet.” Rusp warmed to be on the same page as his father for once.

It didn’t last. “If it weren’t for her wanting to return to her family, you could also clan her yourselves, take the heat off that way. Nil would lose his shit. But of course, you’d have to despise her to force her into your lifestyle. Send her home, let her have a real life clanned to real men.” Ezrob snorted and broke the connection.

Rusp did his best to ignore a wave of disappointment, but Irene spluttered as he disconnected his handheld from his com. “That…that jerk! I don’t care if he’s your father, he’s a complete…a total...”

“Asshole,” he finished for her, his smile rueful.

“Right. A complete, total asshole.” She was red-faced and furious on his behalf. He loved her all the more for it.

I do love her. It’s worth putting up with Ezrob to give her what she needs.

“At least he’s helping us help her.” Sherv rubbed his shoulder.

“Yeah, well, screw him anyway.” Irene got up and jerked on her clothes with sharp motions. “Come on, guys. We have a demo to record for Parlek to shop around. When you’re huge stars, Father Asshole will choke on his attitude.”

Rusp doubted Ezrob’s feelings toward him would ever change, but who needed him when Irene was so fiercely in his corner?

* * * *

“I don’t offer a lot of compliments, especially when it comes to a sound so off the beaten path. But this rimnastin music is good.”

Sherv grinned at Parlek, who took the drive on which their demo had been saved and slipped it carefully in a belt pouch. They’d finished it earlier in the afternoon. He’d hurried over to the station’s tiny studio when they’d commed him to come listen. His awed tone made up for the restrained compliment.

“If you want extra to show off, we have a second gig as Casual Innuendo tomorrow night. You could vid our performance.” The success of their earlier gig had paid off. The club owner had contacted Sherv after a number of requests to have the band back.

“I’ll do that.” Parlek glanced at Irene, in her Kalquorian disguise. “The gown helps sell her as one of us to those who don’t know better, but it isn’t the right look for her. Certainly not when it comes to hawking this to producers.”

Sherv’s excitement dimmed, but he kept his tone conversational. “It won’t be her in the end anyway.”

“Maybe not, but she’s the current face of the package you’re putting out there to win a deal.” Parlek inspected her critically. “She doesn’t have our muscle and she’s young, but there’s a strength…it really comes through when she’s singing, including during the high, melodic notes. I’m thinking female warrior or soldier. She needs to dress the part, play up her power.”

Rusp was whispering to Irene as he spoke, translating so she could be included in the conversation. Parlek had put forth the effort to learn a little English, but he hadn’t gotten farther than “hello,” “how are you,” and “you sing great.”

“Dressing up is always a feature of the gig,” she chuckled, turning her nearly blind lens-covered eyes toward Parlek. “Too bad our options are so limited. We don’t have the money to spend on a new outfit, and as tall as I am, I doubt I can wear the guys’ stuff.”

Sherv laughed at the thought of her in a pair of his pants. She was big for an Earther woman, but Jemi’s clothes, the smallest of the bunch, would fall off her.

He translated for Parlek and added, “I can check the secondhand stores, but our dock fees and food have pretty much spoken for the funds we have.” They would have had less if the Dantovonian hadn’t bought the blasters they’d confiscated from the Earthers who’d attacked them. “You’ll probably have to take us as we are, looks-wise.”