Page 61 of Irene

Parlek grunted. He rubbed his chin, contemplating Irene, then he seemed to come to a decision. “What the hell, it’s this or bohut.” He tapped on his handheld, then waved it at Sherv. “I’ll give you money to hit the stores. Outfit everyone, not just her. If we make this happen, you’ll pay me back. If not, well, I drink too much these days anyway. You’ll be doing me a favor by leaving me less to suck from the bottle.”

Sherv gaped, but he activated his handheld, opened it to his account…avoiding glancing at the small amount left…and let Parlek tap his device. He blinked at the added funds. It wasn’t a fortune, but it was more than he’d seen in years. “Thanks, Dramok Parlek.”

“Make it count, kids. There’s none left where that came from.”

* * * *

“We eat lunch on the ship, then go shopping,” Jemi enthused after they left the studio. Parlek had headed in the opposite direction, his expression somewhat dazed. Jemi hoped it was because he was overcome by the music and not because of the money he’d handed them.

He was coming around where the once-famous, now-infamous manager was concerned. It had been years since the Unrestrained Carnage debacle. Maybe the guy did deserve a second chance. He was certainly putting what he had left on the line for them.

“Most of the money be spent on Irene’s clothes,” Jemi continued. “She be hard to fit. No one selling to human women here at ass-end of galaxy.”

“Especially the sort of clothes Parlek thinks she should wear,” Sherv agreed. He grinned at Irene. “We might have to spend it all on you. But you worth it.”

“You’re so sweet. I do love a bargain though, and I can always add a few alterations if we find something in the neighborhood of what we’re searching for. Based on your stage clothes and those uniforms your fleet officers wear, I have some ideas that might—”

“Hey. Kalqs.”

They turned at the rough voice. More accurately, Jemi, Irene, and Sherv turned. Rusp slid like mercury between them and the owner of the voice and his companions.

Earther men, a different group from those they’d encountered before. The motley bunch had a hardened look, and there were half a dozen of them this time. Each was armed with two blasters apiece, one in the holster, one in the hand and pointing at them.

Jemi met Sherv’s glance. His Dramok nodded to Irene, telling him to get her out of harm’s way. Jemi grabbed her hand and tugged her back.

“What you want?” Rusp snarled.

“It depends on what you got. Empty your pouches. Come on, we know Kalqs are rich. Make with the goodies.” A blaster shifted in Irene’s direction. “Jewelry too.”

Jemi jumped in front of Irene, fury filling him to see a weapon aimed at her. At the same instant, Rusp and Sherv shrieked animal fury and lunged for the humans.

Blasters went off. Irene screamed.

Chapter Fourteen

Jemi’s first horrified thought was Irene had been hit. He grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder. He flew along the empty concourse, ignoring the sense of weakness in his left side to reach the ship as fast as possible.

“Jemi, what’s happening? Who’s shooting? Where are Sherv and Rusp? Are they coming?”

The sounds of fighting were distant already. No blaster fire. Jemi took a chance on having gotten Irene far enough away to stop and check on her. He set her on her feet and touched her everywhere. “Were you shot? Are you injured?”

“No, I’m fine. Sherv? Rusp?” She peered desperately, trying to glimpse them through those damned cheap lenses.

“Still fighting, from sound of it. You sure you okay?” He was frantic, but she appeared fine.

“I’m good, but the others—”

Two dark blurs shot around the corner and halted by them. “What you stop for? Go!” Sherv lifted Irene up and ran off.

Rusp did the same to Jemi. “Hey! I can run! I only stopped to check Irene.” Jemi saw red drops falling in their wake. “Rusp, you were hurt?”

“Not now!”

Seconds later, they were on the ship. Irene cried out as Rusp set Jemi down. “Your arm!”

Jemi experienced an instant of lightheadedness as he noted the sleeve of crimson coating the Nobek’s bicep, elbow, and forearm. He ignored it and went for the first aid kit, talking in Kalquorian. “Sit. Sherv, clean it off, let me see how bad it is.”

“Grazed by blaster. No big deal.” Rusp looked over Irene, who gaped in horror. “Glad you aren’t hurt. Jemi, you safe?”