“Motherfucker!” I blurted out after nearly tripping on a bottle, which rolled along the floor.

It didn’t break, so I was happy about it, but I didn’t understand why anyone had bought this shit bottle of vodka. I went on a rampage at the back, trying to find the stock of bottles, and it was as if being in the bar had been something I used to do in the past, because I didn’t have a clue where they kept it all. So many changes had been made behind here.

“You going to keep hiding behind here or come to see everyone? They’re waiting,” Ashley said as she popped her head to the back.

“Who?” I asked Ashley, but before she gave me an answer, she was back to serving behind the bar.

I couldn’t believe my eyes as I stomped out from behind her and saw guys I hadn’t seen in weeks. They’d received my message, and they wanted to support me. I was surrounded by not just respect but love, too. They started clapping, one by one. It was as if the thing I wanted more than ever was in front of me.

I smiled and bowed my head, thinking if I didn’t do this now, then I would never have the guts to do it. “Thank you. Thank you.”

I motioned for them to pipe down as I climbed up on the bar. I wanted to see as many faces I could recognize, and I needed to stop being the coward I’d been to date.

The mistakes of the past had to be put behind me.

“I’m glad and honored to be part of this MC. When I restarted the club, it had existed before I came along. It was an idea, a vision that the old man had, and like everything in his life, it died when he died, too.”

I felt eyes on me, and the ones that were probably surprised by my confession were Scar’s, who must have just arrived back. I’d left out so many parts of the story when I’d told it before, but now, he would hear it all. They all would, because I could see they were all here, including Mel and Playboy.

“God rest his soul,” I sighed.

I nodded, knowing he would be proud of what I was about to say. “My father told me to go speak to the old man. The old man wouldn’t give up the space to me. A stranger. So he told me to work for it. I had to earn it. I did the only thing I knew what to do…”

The smiling faces were gone, but they looked as if they were confused about what was about to unfold.

“I’m a good poker player, and the old man thought he was better. The stakes were rebuilding the circuit, creating this club and building the house. I won. I figured in time the old man would see how well we were all doing and sell it.”

“But he was stubborn right?” someone blurted out, filling in the gap.

“So, what does this mean? The place belongs to someone else now, and it’s going to be torn down?” another person in the crowd shouted.

Then it was as if there was a lightbulb moment as they revealed exactly what everyone thought. A commotion broke out since I wasn’t answering any questions. Sure, Steel was going to be behind bars, and Randy had died, not making it to the hospital, but I wasn’t the legal heir of this place. We didn’t know who was, and what they wanted from it.

“Not exactly!” some guy stood up and shouted. I recognized his face, but he was in a shirt and pants, not a suit, so he didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Still, it was clear he wasn’t an MC. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, not like the rest of us. “The old man did leave a will, and he said, Lucky, you are the heir of this land. We need to draw up the papers, but I can officially tell you as the heir, that this land is yours!”

There was a roar, and I could tell Frank wanted to say something else, but he couldn’t since everyone was cheering and patting each other on the back.

I jumped off the bar and headed in the direction of Scar, Playboy and Mel. Once I reached them, Scar did something I didn’t expect him to do.

He hugged me, so tightly I felt as if he were trying to break my bones. “I’m proud of you, Dad. You did good.” He repeated it over and over again.

I wanted to give the same warm welcome to Mel and Playboy, but my son held on to me for the first time since we’d been reunited and I’d found out he was my son.

He didn’t feel like a stranger anymore, one who I’d just met on the street. We’d been together for the last two years, and there was a connection between us. One I hadn’t recognized at first, but the idea of something happening to him made me realize he meant a lot more to me than I could ever imagine. And I loved him with all my heart.



After such a long night at the club, Erin and I took turns looking after Dwayne. I didn’t feel threatened, so even though she had set up another room for us to sleep in, everything was now settled. The rival gang didn’t want to start another war. They just wanted peace. Steel was behind bars, and his mom was dead, and with this knowledge, it gave me the confidence to go to the room I hadn’t wanted to sleep in.

Lucky was feeling so generous he didn’t even charge anyone for drinks. Playboy warned him he would regret it.

“After lying to the guys for so long about this land and them forgiving me, it’s worth it.”

It was almost as if Lucky had punished himself for so long with his secret that revealing the truth and seeing how everyone treated him had surprised him.

“You’re loved. I don’t get why you don’t see yourself as one of the good guys.” I smiled at Lucky, who was in the living room, but he was starting to walk out when I entered.