“Good morning to you, too. I thought you would sleep in. I was just going…”
“To avoid me.” I filled in the blank for him. He didn’t deny it as I put Dwayne in the playpen Playboy had put in the corner of the room. He’d seen how much Dwayne loved it at his place, so he said he would put one in here, too.
It seemed my time away from here had given me newfound strength. I didn’t feel like the shy, naïve woman that left. Sure, we’d only been gone for over a week, but after our talk in the diner, I knew what I wanted, and it wasn’t just Drake and Playboy. It was all three of them.
“Look, I saw you with Scar and Playboy last night. Holding them. Kissing them. It makes sense. You’re all young, and I’m some old man.”
I smiled and moved closer to Lucky and pressed my lips gently against his. He didn’t try to move away, but he pulled me closer toward him and closed his eyes.
Then he moved away and cupped my face.
“I was so scared and guilty about him taking you. Scar told me that you said they didn’t put a scratch on you. If so, then I would have…”
“Killed a man.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, a little silly. I understand Scar knows about his son, and you want to be with him, but Playboy, too?”
I nodded. “Playboy makes me laugh.”
“I agree. He makes everyone laugh, Mel. But three men? It’s not too much for you? I heard about this sort of thing before, but a polyandry…? You would want that?”
I could see the confusion on his face as his eyebrows furrowed. It was as if they were waiting outside before they came in as both Drake and Playboy walked in.
“We came over early to see if we could all talk about this,” Drake said as he kissed me on the cheek.
“Yeah, we figured that seeing as so many discussions were taking place, in terms of Steel and what’s going to happen to him and his MC, we could have our chat,” Playboy said.
“Easy. They voted in the VP to take over and turn things around. They’re coming over to discuss,” Lucky said as he broke away from me and motioned for us all to sit down.
“Good. Because I figured Mel could come spend the weekends with me, if you don’t mind,” Playboy winked.
“And a couple of days with me, then the rest of the week here so she can do shifts and shit,” Drake replied, but he was looking directly at Lucky while he talked, as if he was waiting for his permission to approve it.
I started to get agitated. Once again, I felt like a stupid little girl who didn’t know anything. One day, she made a mistake and didn’t take the pill, she got pregnant, and her life was turned upside down.
I started to feel dizzy as their words became mumbles in my ears. So I stood up and held my ground.
“Stop it! I’m not some pawn. I’m a person with feelings. I don’t want to be at Playboy’s on the weekend, then Drake’s…but wait. You don’t live here anymore? Since when?”
“Okay, okay, seeing as everyone’s doing the confession thing, I have one, too, Mel,” Erin said as she stormed in.
Now, she’d resorted to her own natural dark hair, and it made me see how pretty she was. It distracted me from her arrival to tell me that she had a confession.
Please don’t let her say she wants her and Greyson to be involved in this harem, too?
“I take Dwayne to play groups so he can socialize with other kids when I look after him.”
I wrapped my arms around her. She did that, and she was worried about what I would say? What kind of monster did she think I was?
“That’s the best news ever,” I cried.
“I didn’t want to step on your toes, and I didn’t know if it was your parenting style.”
I laughed as I broke away from her. “Parenting style. I have no idea what I’m doing. Have you seen my hair? Clothes? What do I know about style?”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, kid!” a teary eyed Erin replied to my question.
“Group hug,” Drake said as he wrapped his arms around us, and Playboy and Lucky soon followed. This was what families did for each other. I’d heard it so many times, but never knew what the true meaning of it was, until now.