He shook his head. “Nonsense. What kind of Grandpa would I be if I didn’t provide food to my grandson.”

He smiled at me, and it was met with a thankful one. I could see my assumption about him was all wrong.

Instead of him wanting to get rid of us, he welcomed us with open arms. One thing was for sure, Drake didn’t take after his old man.

If he had, we would still be together.

* * *

I wasin the kitchen when Lucky walked in after showering and making himself human again, as he called it.

“I feel better now.” His hair was still dripping wet, and he had a towel around his neck which he was using to pat it dry. “What’s smelling so good?”

“My grandma’s recipe for meatloaf. I thought seeing as you saved me today, I would make you dinner. Even if it’s not really time for dinner and it’s too late for lunch.”

He waved his hand to dismiss what I’d said. “No matter. I’m hungry, and if it tastes as good as it smells, you can call it dinner, brunch, lunch, or even breakfast. Whatever you goddamn like!”

I loved the way he spoke.

“Why do you look at me that way? I say something wrong?” Lucky quizzed as he narrowed his eyes.

“Sit. I’ll serve you for rescuing me today.”

He swiftly moved to the other side of the table and put his hand on mine. This time, there was no worrying about putting grease on my shoulders. I went to my tiptoes to kiss him gently.

He seemed taken aback by it and pulled away. “You didn’t have to do that. This. I mean…”

I dismissed whatever negativity he was thinking. “I wanted to do it. It’s nice treating a guy. It makes me feel wanted. I haven’t felt that in a while.”

“Well, that’s a little low. Dwayne needs you.”

I nodded in agreement, thinking I wasn’t explaining myself properly. “Dwayne needs me to give him milk and look after him, but he doesn’t want me voluntarily. So when we were together, it was different. I knew you wanted me.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but then there was someone behind me, who stopped him.

“Hey, I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Playboy said as he lifted his hands as if he was under arrest.

I shook my head. “Sit. Eat. I made more than enough. You can join us, especially seeing as you made me the best hamburgers in town.”

Lucky chuckled. “He used that line on you, too.”

“And there I was, thinking I was special.” I put my hand on my chest, to make out that I was wounded.

If I didn’t know Playboy was a ladies man, I’d know he was a flirt for sure. I’d seen him in the bar one time too many with a girl on his arm, leading them home. Maybe, it was an ego thing. Yet, he’d only kissed me. He was a perfect gentleman.

“Dwayne’s taking a nap, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to thank Lucky from rescuing me today at the store,” I explained to Playboy as I put a helping of the meatloaf on his plate with honey-glazed carrots and mashed potatoes. Nana always said meatloaf was a meal in itself, and I’d made sure I did that, too.

“I know all about it. Thank you,” Playboy said as I handed him the plate. “It’s exactly what I came here to talk to you both about. One of Steel’s guys says they think he’s gone mad. He’s been stalking Mel.”

“What the fuck?” Lucky blurted out, nearly dropping his plate.

I froze, thinking this was a sick joke.

Playboy had started eating and humming while he tucked in, but the shock on both of our faces stopped him. “I thought it was obvious from the store incident that he’s stalking you. Mel can’t be left alone. One of us has to watch her all the time, or at least be with her, in case he tries to make a move.”

I slumped in my chair, no longer feeling like eating.

“The guy didn’t go into much detail. Anyway, we’ve got you, Mel. Lucky, will you let anything happen to Mel?”