He shook his head. “Not a chance. Even if I have to take her to the garage with me.”
Take me to the garage? And hide me under the hood?
“Why me? Why does he want to hurt me?”
Playboy reached out and took my hand, smiling as he did. “He must know about Dwayne being Lucky’s grandson, and he wants us out of here. I know he hasn’t got a leg to stand on when it comes to kicking us out, otherwise he wouldn’t go to such measures.”
It made me feel a little better, knowing that I hadn’t done anything wrong, apart from stumbling into this place.
One thing was for sure as they reassured me they would look after me. I wasn’t going to my room alone tonight. Even if it meant I’d be in bed with both of them.
* * *
After eating,Playboy said that he’d go in search of Drake to fill him in, since he’d done a disappearing act again. Erin said that she would mind Dwayne as I looked tired and should rest.
“Are you sure you should look after him when we’re in danger?” I quizzed as I reluctantly handed over Dwayne after his nap.
“Sure, sugar. That Steel won’t mess with me, not with Lucky around. I can handle myself.”
And I can’t?
I felt a bit of a punch to the stomach, thinking I was incapable of looking after myself and my child. As if I were some delicate flower.
“I’m not completely helpless, you know?” I crossed my arms, a wave of emotion overtaking me.
“She didn’t mean it like that.” Lucky gave me a reassuring hug.
Erin cocked her head. “I didn’t mean to be insensitive. This must be rough for you. We’re used to all this drama, but for an outsider, it must be tough.”
I nodded. It was difficult. I’d only been here three weeks, and my life was in danger again. Until now, the most danger I’d ever had was a bungee jump with Drake for my eighteenth birthday.
Sure, I’d been scared, but the fear that today was my last day on Earth? Nope, I’d never felt this way.
“We won’t let any harm come to you.”
Lucky kissed the top of my head, like a father to a child. I felt protected with him. My life was in his hands, and I knew he would go out of his way to look after me. Unlike his son. Drake had seen me and run away like a frightened child. Why would I want him to be a father to my kid, when it was obvious he couldn’t even look after himself? Drake had a tendency to run away whenever there was trouble, something I’d never noticed about him until now. Maybe, until now, it hadn’t mattered. After all, we were childhood sweethearts, destined to be together. AT least, that’s what I’d thought back when I’d lived in a fantasy.
Erin adjusted her blonde hair. It was as if she had an invisible mirror as she held and played with Dwayne. He liked her. I could tell by the way he smiled, excited to be in her arms.
“Sorry. I’m being oversensitive.”
I sighed, thinking they were used to all this and trying to protect me, and I was being ungrateful.
“I would be, too, girl, if that rat Steel was trying to mess with me!” Erin said as she dismissed my apology.
“And I’ll wash up the dishes. After all you made enough to feed a king.” Lucky smirked while rubbing his stomach.
“And a queen!” I pointed at Erin to let her know the food wasn’t only for the guys, but her, too.
She waved her hand. “You don’t need to remind me. That’s my dinner for tonight. Now, you go lie down. You deserve it.”
I nodded, thinking they were right. I grinned as I thought about how much my life had changed in a short space of time. It was nice being in the house, even if I hadn’t felt that way earlier.
* * *
“Mel, you sleeping?”Lucky asked as he gently knocked on the door.
“No,” I whispered as I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. “It’s as if now that Dwayne’s not here, I don’t know what to do. Since he’s been born, it has been looking after him or working. I’ve never had free time.”