“Leo’s her boyfriend, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. He keeps threatening to fly over, but they’re starting a business together, and somebody needs to run that.”
“I thought she worked for Blackwood?”
“She does, but most of us have sidelines. It’s always good to diversify.”
Ben chose that moment to appear in the doorway. Despite the gravity of our situation, he’d begun smiling more, and somehow he managed to be focused yet relaxed at the same time.
“You look better,” I said to him as Emmy grabbed an apple from the fridge and sauntered out.
“I feel better.” He dragged a stool up next to me and pulled me in for a kiss before his arm slid down to my waist. “Working with this team is...I’ve been learning a lot. If I didn’t have this arrest warrant hanging over my head, I’d be enjoying it.”
“Blackwood’s good at what they do, then?”
“The best. I never planned to stay in the legion forever, and they were top of the list of companies I wanted to apply to.”
“And did you?”
He gave a hollow laugh. “Not after Leroux screwed up my record. They only take the best. I’d be lucky to get a job as a security guard in a shopping mall now. But still, I’m enjoying working with Blackwood for the time being.”
“What does Sofia do for them?” I’d spoken to her once or twice over dinner, but apart from that, she seemed to spend most of her time either in the conference room or out of the house.
He grimaced. “She’s been cagey about that. She’s working on something with Gideon at the moment.”
“You're okay with that?”
“Yeah. Not that I’ve got much choice.” His mouth spread into a smile. “I can’t believe I finally found her. Or rather, she found me. We may be virtual strangers right now, but I’ll do whatever I need to do to keep her in my life. And you,mon cœur.”
“I just wish this was over.”
“It will be, soon.”
If I’d known what was about to happen, I’d have regretted those words, but I was blissfully ignorant as Ben took my hand and led me up the stairs for a lunchtime quickie.
He took away all my pain, all my heartache, all rational thought, with just a few simple touches.
And Leroux? He wanted to take away everything.
“I’ll see you later,trésor.”
Ben slugged back the last of his morning coffee and put the cup in the dishwasher.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” The words came out a little more resigned than I intended them to, so I quickly followed them up with a smile. He dipped his head and kissed me, leaving me longing for more as he disappeared out the door.
I was eating my cereal when Sofia came in a few minutes later, dressed in a pair of tailored trousers and a white blouse.
“You look smart.”
She grimaced as she poured coffee into a travel mug from the thermal jug Ruth always kept replenished. “I have a meeting. A boring one.”
I didn’t want to pry, not when everyone here held onto their secrets like badges of honour, but Ruth bustled in and saved me the trouble.
“About Mr. Leroux, dearie?”
“Nothing that interesting. Leo wants me to sign a contract for gym equipment.”