“Gym equipment?” I asked.
She flashed me a quick smile. “We’re opening a gym together in Virginia.”
Ah, that must be the diversification thing Emmy was talking about. “I’ve always been too nervous to go to the gym. I’d only make a fool of myself because I don’t have a clue how to use any of the equipment.”
“We’ll have classes as well. Or I can show you how all the kit works.”
“What? Like, in your gym?”
“You’ll be coming to visit, won’t you? Both of you?”
“Uh, yes, I suppose. I hadn’t really thought about it.”
But hadn’t I always wanted to travel? Maybe a trip to America could help me achieve the dream I’d given up on after Rupert died? A holiday or two with Ben by my side would be heaven.
“Well, the invitation’s there. We’ve got plenty of space for you to stay.”
As Sofia left, Roxy wandered in wearing a pair of jeans and a simple T-shirt. Even in those, she managed to look stunning, and with each day that passed, she became more relaxed around everyone. Of course, she still hadn’t heard the news about her father, and I hoped when she found out it wouldn’t send her back into the nightmare she’d clawed her way out of.
“Good morning.” I always tried to sound cheerful around her.
“Hi.” She peered at me from under long eyelashes as she took her spot at the end of the table, placing an eReader next to the bowl of fruit Ruth brought her. That was new.
“You like books?”
Her cheeks turned a pale shade of pink. “Gideon gave it to me.”
“What are you reading?”
Her blush deepened. “Meet Me At Midnight.”
It was my turn to colour up. It always felt strange when somebody I knew read one of Sapphire’s books, especially a story as personal as that one.
“What do you think of it?”
“It gives me hope that one day a man will want me for who I am and not who society thinks I am.”
Of all the things she could have said, she chose the one that made me tear up. I reached out and curled my hand around hers. “He will.”
Indeed, I suspected he already had.
With the house empty except for Ruth, Roxy, and the daytime security guard who lurked in the office off the entrance hall, I figured it was about time I tried to get some writing done for the first time since I arrived in London. After all, I’d have to earn money if I wanted a future with Ben because I couldn’t count on my parents to support me.
My head was filled with possibilities as I took my MacBook out of my suitcase. Perhaps I could explain the situation with Sapphire to Petra and continue publishing under that name? Or I could pick a new pen name to go with my fresh start. Or maybe two—one for my historical romances and another for the contemporary stories I wanted to write but hadn't yet dared to.
I’d just sat down at the desk by the window in my room—no, our room—when my phone rang. Unknown number. Please, tell me this wasn’t the police with bad news about Ben.
It was worse.
“Ah, the second Miss Fordham. How nice to finally speak to you.” The only Frenchman I knew was Gideon, but this voice wasn’t his, not with that cruel edge.
“Who is this?”
“The man you and your new friends have been looking for.”
“Guy Leroux?” I whispered.
“Mais oui.”