Page 22 of Twisted Road

“That’s just about the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

I grumble under my breath, but something between us has shifted. We aren’t friends exactly, but we aren’t enemies anymore. I almost hope I won’t have to kill him.

Chapter 14


To say I’m frustrated after a night of sleeping next to Aurora is an understatement. I spend the rest of the day in agony.

My burner phone rings and I pick up on the second ring.

Killian’s voice comes through the line. “I need you to go to New York for a couple of days.”

“Not a good time.”

“Don’t tell me you can’t handle Aurora.”

I can handle her just fine. The problem is her handling me, I think in irritation.

Killian laughs. “I’ll take your silence as a yes. I need you to handle a shipment coming into the harbor.”

“What happened to Patrick?”

“Got himself locked up,” Killian says. There is an underlying note of threat in his voice. “The Russians are on a tear through New York. If we want the product to make it to Boston you need to go.”

“Send Theo.”

The warlord is the enforcer and the most brutal member of the mob. My cousin Theo took over the role after Jack died. He’s not as brutal as Jack, but he gets the job done.

“I’m sending you,” Killian says, an edge of ice creeping into his voice. “It needs to be done discreetly. Can you handle it or not?”

“I’ll go, but I have to bring Aurora.”

“Fine, as long as she doesn’t cause any problems.”

“She won’t. I’ll see to it.”

Chapter 15


Caine hasn’t let go of me since we got out of the car in New York. His hand is on my upper arm. What does he think I’m going to do? His goons drove us here. Even if I got out of his grip, I don’t exactly have a getaway car waiting.

Nick is behind us scouting the way like he’s in the secret service while two other men carry our bags. Caine has more flunkies than my dad.

I thought I knew what a large-scale criminal operation looked like, but the more time I spend around Caine, the more I realize I don’t. Just from what I’ve gleaned in the past few days, I can tell the O’Connor’s operation is ten times the size of the Dullahans and far more dangerous.

“I can walk on my own,” I hiss at Caine.

He smirks. “This isn’t my turf. You can either hold my hand or spend the trip locked up in the room with guards. I’d rather not have to waste the manpower, but I’ll fucking give the order if you force me.”

Given that Caine’s threatening me with what’s literally a luxury suite at the Plaza hotel, it’s hardly dire. But I’m pissed I can’t enjoy my first trip to New York. It’s hard to concentrate on my surroundings when I’m only here so I can’t snoop through the house or plot with my dad.

“How will I ever survive?”

Nick unlocks the door with the keycard and Caine guides me inside. The suite is huge. There’s a large bed overlooking the city, and the bathroom has a shower and a claw-foot tub. I love claw-foot tubs. Mom’s place had one, and I can’t wait to lock Caine out of the bathroom as I soak for hours.

I shrug Caine’s hand off my arm and head straight for the bathroom. I slam the door in his face and lock it.