Page 21 of Twisted Road

I kick him, and he jumps aside.

“Why the hell are you dragging me into your room? I was perfectly fine where I was.”

Instead of answering, Caine turns off the lights and goes to bed. I hit his back, and he ignores me.

“Seriously? I’m leaving.”

I’m on my feet and by the edge of the bed when his hand shoots out, capturing my wrist. “You’re staying right where you are, lass.”

I twist in his grip and out of his hold, falling back into a fighting stance.

“Fuck you.”

“Who taught you how to do that?”

“I’m not sleeping in here!”

Caine rolls his eyes. His arrogance only makes me want to take a swing at him. “This isn’t up for discussion, Aurora. You’re staying in here and that’s final.”


“You’ve been around gangs your entire life. Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to ask questions?”

“Just answer me.”

“Can’t you trust me?”


Caine sits up. He studies me for a moment before seeming to decide. “Alright, I suppose that’s fair. As you may have gathered tonight, my Da doesn’t have much in common with yours.”

“They’re both criminals,” I say.

“They are, but Billy cares what happens to you. My Da? Not so much. He cares about the business. About the O’Connor name.”

A hint of something blooms in my stomach. Sympathy maybe? I squash the emotion before I can examine it. “So what?”

“So if he doesn’t believe we’re on the same page, he’ll kill you and your entire family. Believe it or not, Aurora, I care about your safety. And I don’t want to watch you lose your family. You already lost your mother.”

“But I don’t have to sleep in your room. Your dad won’t know.”

“He might,” Caine says slowly. “Killian told me Da isn’t convinced you’re loyal. If it gets back to him we’re sleeping in separate bedrooms, he’ll kill you.”

I take a minute and think it over. His confession takes me by surprise. Maybe Caine isn’t the monster I want him to be. I’m not saying he’s a good guy, but he’s not a monster either. The thought is terrifying.

“Where’s your mom?”

“She passed.”

Shit, and here I’m asking if his dead mother is on her way.

“I’m sorry,” I say quietly.

“I want nothing from you. Just try not to get yourself killed.”

Caine and I can’t go back to that first night we spent together, but maybe we don’t have to be enemies. But I’m not ready to admit that to him.

“If you try anything, I’ll slit your throat in your sleep.”