“For being there for them. Knox practically carried you into the room just now. I’ve known the guy for years and he’s always been closed off. He’s not… all touchy-feely that way. But with you he is. And Cruz… I’ve known my brother my whole life. I know how determined he is, how that can make him have some… sharp edges, shall we say. But the way he looks at you?” Andrea shakes her head. “It’s amazing.”
I can feel my face heating up into a blush. “You’re giving me too much credit.”
“No, I’m not. They’re enamored with you. It’s clear how much you mean to them. Lawson and Miles just now wouldn’t shut up about you while you were doing the laundry.”
My flush deepens. “I’m happy to hear it,” I say, and I mean it.
I can still feel the phantom sensation of their cocks inside of me, their hands on me, like they’ve permanently marked me. I wouldn’t mind that. It’s a relief to know that I’m not alone in this. That I’m driving them as crazy as they’re driving me.
But if I’m going to be their proper Omega, that means I can’t just be someone they have sex with. Amazing sex, yes, but an Omega is so much more than that for her Alpha. I have to be there for my Alphas in other ways, and that means making sure they’re healthy and doing the right thing. Even if they don’t want to.
I need to get through to Cruz. I care about him. He’s my Alpha. I can’t just let him brush this off no matter how much he wants to.
He needs to deal with his injury, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to help him get there.
Chapter 22
There’s a game the next day, and we’ll be meeting Andrea there since she stayed at her hotel last night. It was a lovely dinner, and I’m already looking forward to seeing her again when I get up in the morning.
The morning goes well, but then when I get Ben all set up with his nap and realize that the men still aren’t down here getting ready to leave. They have to head out soon to get to the rink to prepare for the game.
I step out into the hallway and gently close Ben’s door behind him, listening for the voices of the Alphas. After a moment, I can hear them coming from Cruz’s room.
I head over, pushing open the door. “You have to leave soon…” I trail off as I see the mess on the bed. “What’s all this?”
“Cruz thinks you should wear his jersey to the game tonight,” Knox says, a growl in his voice. “I think he’s being ridiculous and that you should wear mine.”
“I’m the captain.”
“I’m the goalie.”
“Are you saying the goalie is more important than the captain?”
“Hell yeah, I am.”
For a second, I panic that they’re actually fighting over me, but then I see Lawson shoving his fist into his mouth to try to avoid bursting into laughter, and I realize that despite the edge of possessiveness in their voices, they’re not truly about to come to blows.
Cruz finally cracks a smile, huffing out a breath. “I’m gonna need to have a talk with coach about your ego.”
“I’m going to have to talk to him about both of you,” Lawson says with a playful scoff. “I scored the game-winning goal last time, so that means she should wear my jersey.”
“Are you kidding me?” Miles gestures at himself. “Hello, who makes the best dinners for her? I’m definitely the one whose jersey she’s gonna wear.”
I find myself grinning as the men banter and debate, coming up with more and more ludicrous reasons why I should wear one of their jerseys over the jerseys of the others.
Knox says I should wear his jersey because I’ll match Ben that way. Lawson says I should wear his jersey because he takes out the trash. Cruz counters that if we’re talking chores, then his jersey should be worn since he does the laundry. Miles snorts and says, “Yeah, you ‘do’ the laundry all right,” and I groan because I know this means they all know I had sex with Cruz and Knox in the laundry room yesterday.
I could watch them play off each other for hours, but I know they need to leave soon, and I can’t be the reason they show up late to their game. The Alphas promised me that their team on every level is supportive of the situation with a new Omega for this pack, but I don’t want to take advantage of that.
An idea hits me and I grin, going to the jerseys that are spread out on the bed. I put on Cruz’s first, then Knox’s, then Lawson’s, then Miles’s, piling them on top of each other. The men are so caught up in their playful argument, having fun teasing each other, that they don’t even notice.
“Guys, don’t worry, I figured it out.” I do my best to adopt a serious expression, so it looks like I’m actually considering this as an option.
I can’t do it. I break out into a grin and hold out my arms. “Ta-da.”
The four men see me in all four of their jerseys, each on top of the other, and burst out laughing.