I wanted the same.
Exploring some more, I found out how sensitive he was lower on his shaft — not that much as on the top, sadly — and my fingers moved deeper yet. They followed the lace to his hole, and the small muscle twitched, seeming to beg me to play with it.
I wanted to push in, to feel his ass wrap around my finger — not to mention my cock — but I’d done enough research to know I couldn’t just shove my fingers inside of him. I might’ve experimented on myself the day before, with interesting results. I needed more research, though, with Finn. It had to be better if the person doing the penetrating knew what the fuck they were doing. Then supposedly, it would be amazing.
I was going to find out, one day. Hopefully. Unless Finn was a bottom…
All coherent thoughts vanished as Finn moaned louder this time, trying to fuck himself on my finger. I still rubbed over the hole, not even too hard for fear of hurting him, but he seemed to want me to go on.
My own cock was so hard it ached, but I ignored it for now. I wanted to sink into Finn’s body, and I wanted him to take me, all at once. Yet I had this delicious, tempting, hard cock in my mouth, and a change in position would mean letting go… which I wasn’t ready for. I needed more time.
I released it only enough to lick and suck on his balls, then moved back up, taking him as deep as I could without choking.
Even without being touched, I was ready to blow, my balls tight and full and heavy, my whole body ready to release ages of unbeknownst lust, but… Not yet. The need for my own orgasm battled for the one to please Finn, and in this case, my desire to please him won.
It probably always would, given the way I flew higher and higher with every one of his moans, every clench of fingers in my hair, every thrust into my mouth, every twitch of his hole…
“You can…” Finn trailed off. “Lube. Wallet.”
I’d gotten him to forget how to speak, which was a victory I was going to savor. I pulled back, grinning. “Not going to fuck you yet.” I paused, looking down at him. Wow. I’d meant to say something else, but my brain obviously wasn’t getting enough blood or oxygen or whatever it needed. “Sorry, I mean… I didn’t want to assume… Are you… Do you bottom?” I bit my lip. It was a rather blunt question, but I hadn’t been able to figure out how to bring that up without asking directly.
The internet hadn’t been much help there. I was way more nervous about being on the receiving end than the giving, but if Finn didn’t want to take charge, I’d try it. Hell, I’d try it anyway, no matter if he bottomed or not, just to experience everything — with Finn, of course.
His eyes sparkled. “I meant to use it to play with my ass. Lube makes it way better. But yeah, I do bottom, and I like it. I like topping, too, but I’d say we can wait for that. It’s probably less intimidating for you to top since it’s your first time. I think I can find ways to make it pleasurable for both of us…” He wriggled his eyebrows like we were in some kind of really bad porno.
I snorted out loud, but then I got serious again. “I… It sounds good, but I honestly have no idea.” I’d come across an article that had said some gay men never had anal sex, and I was a little concerned I wouldn’t like it either. I wanted to try, and I thought I would like it, but what if I couldn’t give him what he wanted?
“You got lost somewhere in your thoughts, right?” Finn placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Whatever you’re thinking about, we’ll figure it out. Don’t overthink it. I’m here to stay, and I’ll let you explore and figure out what you like.” He paused until I met his eyes. “You know what’s the absolute upside of being with someone who has experience?” He didn’t wait for my reply. “I know exactly what I like and don’t like, and I can help you figure out your preferences without the awkwardly stumbling when two people don’t know what they’re doing.”
I looked away, suddenly even more embarrassed. “It still feels weird, not even knowing—”
“Don’t. I love the idea of being the one to teach you, okay? I love it. So… take your time. And for today, fuck me, if you want to. If not, then don’t. I’m just as happy to get a hand job, or anything else you’re comfortable with.” He stroked my hair. “I just want to be with you.”