I’d never expectedto say those words to anyone, but with Kane, it was all different somehow. Somehow. Who was I kidding? It wasn’t different. I was different, because somewhere along the way, I’d gone and fallen in love with him.
“I’m still… I worry about not being able to give you what you need because I have no idea what either of us like…” Kane sounded lost, and that wouldn’t do at all. He’d been fine before, when he’d just been exploring me, but he’d gotten a doubt stuck in his mind. Now he was worrying about things that weren’t even worth worrying about — not with me.
I sat up, forcing him to move away from my hard cock, which was not an easy move to make. “Listen. There are a lot of men who don’t like stuff… makeup, lingerie, virgins, whatever. Take your pick. But what matters is you. It’s just you, Kane, and it’s just me. What we like. And for my part, I love teaching you, okay? Just how you like the things about me that other men might balk at.”
I paused, looking into his eyes to make sure he understood how much I meant my words.
“For my part, I love your muscles, your tattoos, your caring nature… even your inexperience. It’s endearing, getting to teach you. So forget about what people want, like, and say. Forget about them. You. Me.” I gestured between the two of us. “Us. It’s what matters, okay? Whatever some people tell you, remember… their opinion. Their decision. Their life.” I paused, then smiled at him. “Unless they like pineapple on pizza. Then they’re just wrong.”
Kane laughed, his whole face lighting up with amusement. Perfect. I’d broken the serious mood.
“But I read pineapples are good if you’re getting blown, because then it tastes—”
I rushed forward, kissing him to shut him up. When I let up, I murmured, “I hate, hate, hate pineapples. So if you ever try that, it’s the fastest way to not getting blown.”
Kane grinned at me, and he looked far more relaxed. Perfect.
“So that’s a perfect example of how wrong research can be.”
“It doesn’t say it makes it taste like pineapple,” he pointed out. “Just that it makes it a little sweeter.”
I eyed him. “Anyway.” I leaned back, spreading my legs. Would he go back to blowing me? It had been more amazing than a lot of things I’d tried, and I wasn’t ready for it to be over yet.
“Anyway,” he agreed. “No pineapple. Duly noted.” Kane’s smile didn’t waver, and neither did his hard cock. Success.
I smiled at him, then gestured down to my body. “Thanks for the no pineapple pledge. So, to go back to more pleasant things than that evil fruit… Do whatever you want to do. Explore, touch, use lube. Or let me roll over, and I’ll do the same with you.”
Kane was still smiling back at me. “If I have the choice, I’d rather explore you some more. You’re like… I don’t even know. But it’s awesome discovering your body, so I’d like to go on.”
He was way more at ease now, so while our talk might’ve destroyed the mood with other men, for Kane, it had been necessary. Perfect. It hadn’t lessened my need for him at all. It only made my arousal burn even hotter, if that was even possible. “Then do it.”
Kane didn’t hesitate. He wrapped his lips around my cock again, taking me deep.
My whole body tensed again. How the actual fuck was it possible to be that close to an orgasm in the blink of an eye?
His fingers went back to my balls, touching the guiche rings at my perineum. I bit my lip, trying to distract myself. Fuck. I’d gotten them because they brought me some kind of deep satisfaction, some unique kind of pleasure, but they also made me so fucking sensitive—
An orgasm started to roll over me, nearly impossible to stop. I tried to choke something out, but Kane sucked harder, taking me deep again even as his still fingers gently rubbed over my ass and rings. Oh, heavens, this was not going to end well. I wanted to hold back and tried distracting myself. I thought about teachers, I thought about math, I thought about mowing the lawn, but then he sucked again, and it was all lost.
“Kane, I—” I jerked at his shoulder, trying to get him to pull back. I couldn’t come yet. Not in his mouth, not when we hadn’t— I pulled harder. Fuck, this was— “Kane! Let go!”
He released me just a heartbeat before I completely lost the battle. My whole body clenched, my balls tightening and my eyes screwing shut as I spurted over my abs and chest.
“Fuck.” I groaned, grabbing my dick and rubbing it a few times to prolong the pleasure of releasing all that tension in my body. Then I fell back, breathing harshly. “Fuck. Sorry.” I took another deep breath. “That was unplanned. Took me completely by surprise.” Fire of shame burned in my face. I hadn’t come like that in ages, not like some… teenager jerking off for the first time.
Kane’s eyes lit up. “Nice.”
“Hey, that’s embarrassing! Not nice!” I feigned offense, but his reaction largely stopped my shame. How could I be embarrassed when he looked at me like that?
“It’s hot. I made you come just with that, so I get to decide what it is, and I loved it. But why did you pull me back?” He traced the cooling cum on my stomach with his fingers.
“Because we haven’t talked about you being okay with swallowing? And a lot of people aren’t, so I wouldn’t ever assume someone is.”