If he came home and the bowl was empty, he didn’t care. He bought it for them. Most times there was some left and he’d bring it to the shop to hand out.
“I’ve got treat bags for both dogs,” he said. “Doc’s is in the car with Dopey’s.”
“That’s sweet,” his mother said. “You always did spoil your dogs. Maybe someday you’ll do that with a kid.”
He snorted. “They are from the vet’s,” he said.
“Oh,” she said, grabbing her purse and jacket. “Even sweeter.”
“Bye, Mom,” he said as she walked out. He followed her and went into his office to shut everything down and then saw Simon and Jason cleaning up the garage.
It was in good shape as he thought, and they’d be done in a few minutes.
“Ready to put your candy out?” Simon asked him.
They knew what he did. He wasn’t social enough to answer the door either though he used his dogs as an excuse.
“Yeah,” he said. “Once you two are done, head out.”
Both of them moved a bit faster and were out of there in five minutes. He locked up right behind them and was opening his front door before five.
He’d ordered the pizza when he was in his office and had twenty minutes to get it. More than enough time to feed his dogs and shower.
He got their food down on the floor, went to his room to get a change of clothes and then jumped in the shower to clean up.
When he was out, the dogs were done, he let them out to do their business, gave them each a treat from the bags he got at Avery’s and put Doc in her crate. Dopey went on his bed.
He was almost out the door when he remembered to put the Halloween candy in the bowl and on the front porch with the same sign that he’d used for years.
Then he was on his way to get dinner and see his girlfriend.
He knocked on her door before five thirty and it was opened fast, Avery grabbing his shirt and yanking him so hard that he thought the pizza was going to fall from his hands.
She laid her mouth to his and he knew what he was getting first.
“Dinner can wait,” she said.
She put the pizza box on the coffee table in the living room. He passed by Betty in her crate and realized she’d planned ahead.
They were reaching for each other’s clothing and shedding them fast like two animals in heat.
When he pulled a condom out of the pocket of his jeans that he’d had to get off the floor, he found her tossing the blankets back and bent over.
Yeah, his primal instincts kicked in and he had his hands on her waist, her back to his chest his mouth to her ear.
“Don’t turn around,” he said. “Just reach forward with your hands on the bed.”
He felt her body give a little shudder and she did what he said.
Her ass was in the air waving at him like a little flag, her hands planted on the bed, her head up and turned to see what he was doing.
There was a grin on her face that told him she was more on board with this than he was and it kicked a speed into him that he had earlier driving home.
His hands went between her legs, found her soaking wet and was thankful he didn’t have to wait. He wasn’t sure he could.
He found her opening and slid in fast, his hands still on her hips and holding her there.
“Touch yourself,” he said. “I need you to get there fast because I’m not going to last as long as I’d like.”