“No,” she said. “I don’t know why either.”

“Maybe because she doesn’t feel right doing it because you are single. But you can tell she is longing for something there. I thought I’d let you know. I think once she finds out about Carter, she’ll be thrilled. And he’s so good with her here, I don’t think he’ll have a problem with it either.”

“He won’t,” she said, feeling like a fool for waiting as long as she had and not seeing what was right in front of her face.


Take That Step

Carter drove back to the garage faster than he normally did.

He realized when he pulled in and braked harder, that it was excitement.

Not just for seeing Avery and having her take that step but also for the fact that she was ready to talk about letting Josie know about their relationship.

“How is it going?” he asked Simon. He could see Jason was checking out the last car he’d been working on. Every car Carter worked on today that needed to be picked up had been or his mother checked them out for him. He wasn’t always paying attention that much unless his mother wasn’t working when cars were picked up.

But since she stayed to watch Doc for him while he brought Dopey to the vet, he knew everything was in good hands.

Hell, his mother would have locked up for him too if he’d said he wasn’t coming back, but he’d never do that.

It’s not like he never took a day off in his life. Simon could handle things well and had for years.

“Dopey okay?” Simon asked him as he rubbed the big mutt’s head. Simon grabbed a treat out of the drawer and passed one off to his best bud.

“Just an ear infection,” he said. “All taken care of now.”

“That’s good,” Simon said. “Worse than kids if you ask me. At least a kid can tell you what hurts when they don’t feel good.”

“That’s true,” he said. He moved past Simon into the waiting area and then went through the garage and into the back to see his mother.

“How is he?” his mother asked.

“An ear infection,” he said. He bent to pet Doc now, as his puppy was always happy to see him. Bringing them to work with him daily meant he didn’t feel as guilty about leaving them home alone for a few hours to be with Avery.

Once Josie was aware of what was going on, he was sure his dogs would be joining him at Avery’s house.

Or maybe he could have Avery and Josie at his house. He’d like to have them over and not have Avery feel like she always had to cook for him or him pick up takeout.

“How is Avery doing?” his mother asked, grinning.

“She’s good. I’m going over for dinner when I leave,” he said. “Just need to pick up a pizza so she’s not cooking.”

“I thought for sure Avery would be out tonight with Josie.”

He didn’t talk to his mother much about his personal life, but he wouldn’t be rude. “Josie is at Seth and Ava’s for a few hours.”

“Oh,” his mother said, wiggling her eyebrows. It always embarrassed him when his mother talked to him like he was a friend rather than her child.

“Thanks for keeping an eye on Doc,” he said. “I think everyone has picked their cars up for the day. I’m going to send Simon and Jason home. No reason for them to stand around if we are finished.”

It was a little past four thirty at this point. It would give him plenty of time to go home and shower, then pick up the pizza and get back to Avery’s. She said she’d be out at five or earlier with any luck.

“I was waiting for you to get back,” his mother said. “I’m out of here too. Got to hand out a ton of candy tonight so your father doesn’t eat it all.”

Carter didn’t hand candy out. Not like having kids knock on the door. No reason to have the dogs upset and barking nonstop.

He had a big bowl he’d put on the front porch with a note to take three each. There weren’t a lot of kids in his neighborhood or many that came around.