“Oh boy. I might have turned you off by saying that. I should have kept my mouth shut. At least until after I got you naked.”

He grinned. That slow sweet one that always seemed to melt her heart and send tingles to the rest of her body.

“Nothing you can say or do will turn me off,” he said.

“The same,” she said. “I thought if you’re okay with it, maybe it’s time to tell Josie.”

“I’m okay with it,” he said, pulling her closer to him and holding her. “Don’t feel like I’m pressuring you.”

“You’re not. I’ve been thinking of it for weeks. I’m not sure what to say to her or how to handle it. I thought we could figure it out together tonight...after.”

He kissed her one more time. “We can. I’ll see you in an hour or less,” he said.

“You will,” she said to him.

She opened the door and he left to check out. She heard Melody praising Dopey and then handing over a treat bag for Dopey and one for Doc.

“He’s really nice,” Melody said to her, walking to the back of the office. Her next patient was in the waiting room, but Kendall must be dealing with another patient in a different room. She appreciated that Melody was talking quietly to her.

“He is,” she said.

“You two look really cute together,” Melody said.

She frowned but was smiling at the same time. “You haven’t seen us together.”

“Sort of,” Melody said. “Here. I understand not wanting Josie to know. It’s got to be hard.”

“It is,” she said. “But I think I’m going to tell her soon. There is no reason to keep it from her. I didn’t know how this would work out, but it’s been two months.”

Melody laughed. “I knew it.”

“You did?” she asked.

“People talk on the island. I’ve been hearing it all along, but I figured you two clicked when you first met. You have so much in common.”

“We do?” she asked. She thought they did but didn’t think other people would feel that way.

“You both own businesses. You both love dogs. You’re caring, friendly and sweet people. You’re both independent and put others’ needs before your own.”

“Damn,” she said. “I didn’t realize all of that, but you’re right.”

“And now it’s time to put your needs before others. You can do it and keep Josie happy. I know you can. That little girl is your world, but she is dying to have someone else in it.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Do you ever notice that when men come in here she talks to them differently than the women?”

“No,” she said. How come she didn’t notice that and her employee did?

“She’s softer with them. She asks questions. It’s like she wants them to like her because she’s longing for something she’s never had. She asks about my husband all the time. Simple things.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. What we do together. Does he help me at home? Is he nice to me? She said one day that you needed someone to help you at home and she hoped that you found someone. Then she was talking about men and beef. I’m not sure about that one, but she did let it slip that Carter came to your house one day to let the dogs play.”

Avery shook her head laughing. “I’ll explain the beef statement at some point.”

“She talks about Seth a lot and Adele and her father,” Melody said. “Does she to you?”