“What?” he asked.

“If you noticed this all last night, why didn’t you call me then? There was no reason for the poor boy to suffer.”

“You aren’t working on Sunday nights, and second of all, it’s not an emergency. If I thought he was in pain or something I would have.”

She stood up and got some long Q-tips out of the drawer. “I’m your girlfriend,” she said. “That gives you the right to call me at any point. We talked and you never said a word.”

He looked embarrassed. “If I did, then you’d want to see him and Josie would want to know why I called you on a Sunday night, right?”

He had a point...sort of. “No,” she said. “She knows I’m on call and have had to see pets after hours or at least talk to owners. She wouldn’t have thought much more than that.”

“Oh,” he said.

She swabbed out some samples from Dopey’s ear. “I’m going to look under the microscope. I think it’s a yeast infection but will know for sure there. I’ll be right back. You sit tight, buddy, we’ll have you feeling better soon.”

She went out and into the OR where she kept her equipment to test things. Just like she suspected, it was a yeast infection in Dopey’s ear.

She grabbed a syringe and filled it with the meds after she calculated the dosage and brought it back in.

“What is it?” he asked.

“A yeast infection. The good news is, I’m going to get him the meds right now in one dosage. It takes a few weeks to clear up completely. You can bring him back in for me to test again if you don’t see an improvement then or I’ll check it out myself after hours.”

She gathered up some skin and fur and gave Dopey his shot, then a big treat. He’d get a baggie to take home when he checked out.

“That’s it?” he asked. “It’s done?”

“Yep,” she said. “And...I was going to call you because I’ve got a few hours to myself tonight. If you’re available after work.”

“I am,” he said. “Where’s Josie? I thought she’d want to go trick-or-treating.”

“She is. She’s at Adele’s house. She went home with Adele today and is having dinner there and Seth is taking the girls out and around. He’ll bring her back at seven, he said.”

It was a last minute decision last night. They said it was the least they could do since she’d had Adele over to her house so much and had brought the girls to the craft day two weeks in a row.

She needed some time with Carter and was starting to realize that Josie had to be told.

She didn’t feel as if this was a fly-by-night type of relationship.

She wasn’t that way and she knew by now Carter wasn’t either.

She also knew that Ava and Seth were most likely giving her some alone time with Carter and she appreciated that more than they could imagine.

But the time was coming to let Josie know. There was no reason not to.

“Then I’d like to spend some time with you,” he said. “I’ve got to lock up the shop. I’m done for the day there, but I said I’d be back.”

“I’ve got another patient to see and then we’ll be closing at five. I need a shower.”

“Me too,” he said. “I’ll stop and get a pizza on the way, we can eat at your place.”

“We are thinking alike,” she said, moving closer to him. “Come kiss me. I’ve missed you.”

“The same,” he said.

“Maybe tonight we can talk a bit about the future,” she said.

“What about it?” he asked, frowning.