His two cousins from one of the wealthy sides of the family came over.

It was funny in his eyes.

Grayson and Ethan were both dressed casually but their clothes showed them as more of a white-collared worker that sat behind a desk. He and Egan had on common brand jeans, button-down shirts and sneakers. He was surprised Egan had sneakers on when he normally had shoes or sandals he could slip off easily.

Egan had always been more of a free spirit, doing his own thing.

While Egan’s other brother, Eli, owned Bond Casino and was fancy looking like Ethan, Egan refused to sit behind a desk more than he needed to, rather spending his time up in the air in his chopper and running Bond Charter.

Two sets of brothers, almost mirroring each other, yet one set was middle class, the other worth more zeroes than he’d ever see in his lifetime.

And they could all sit down and have a beer and wings and it’d never come up or feel awkward.

“Boys,” Egan said. “Long time no see.”

“What are you doing on this end of the island?” Grayson said. “I figured if you were going out for a drink it’d be at the casino.”

“I wanted a quiet beer tonight,” Ethan said. “It’s been a long week.”

He lifted his eyebrow. Ethan was the quieter of the three of those brothers but nothing like Carter.

“It’s the place to be,” Carter said. “Pull out a chair and take a seat. Got some wings and nachos coming.”

“Sweet,” Egan said. The server came over; his cousins ordered their beers and then added cheese sticks and loaded potato wedges. “What’s this I hear you’re adding rental cars to your business, Carter?”

He shouldn’t have been surprised that it was getting around and didn’t bother to ask how. “With me,” Grayson said. “Only got two cars so far because we know Carter is slow like that.”

He’d told his brother he’d do it. It was worth it in the end. He could service and care for the cars and they’d get their money’s worth out of it easily. The bigger problem was finding the cars at a good price and the time to keep going to the auction.

Since it was a slower part of the tourist season he didn’t see the rush at this point, even if the two cars they’d gotten were already rented out for multiple weeks coming up.

“I can’t buy any old car,” Carter said. “I’ve got to wait for the auction, then see what is a deal. They had more sports cars than sedans and very few SUVs the last time.”

He bought one SUV that was more than he wanted to spend but saw the benefit of having it and one sedan. Families would be more likely to rent sedans or SUVs. There was no reason to have anything sporty that would sit around.

“How many are you looking to have?” Ethan asked. “It’s a great idea. We’ve got some on the docks and they rent out fast, but I don’t see the need to add to it, as too many people don’t like loading and unloading cars on the ferry. I’m trying to talk Egan into adding to his business with drivers for the day to take people around.”

“It could work,” Grayson said. “But would be costly.”

“For a day, people are willing to do it,” Ethan said. “The same people who are flying over on the chopper don’t normally have cars here. They are getting taxis or Ubers and it’s not easy. Why not a few vehicles at the airstrip and the docks for clients on the chopper?”

“Because a lot of the people coming over on the chopper are going to the casino,” Egan said. “Eli sends over vehicles for that. The same with The Retreat. If someone is coming over that way, the hotels offer the service to pick them up. However, it would be nice if you’ve got rental cars available too.”

“Natalie is talking to someone at The Retreat about it. The service getting the cars for them and meeting them at the docks for a few,” Grayson said.

He liked how his family worked together to make all the businesses cohesive the best they could. Not for them but those coming or living on the island.

“I still think it’s a good idea,” Ethan said to Egan.

“Easy for you to say,” Egan said. “That’s another employee I need to have and one that might be sitting around most of the time. You stick to your ideas with your MBA. That’s what all you desk jockeys do anyway.”

Carter laughed at that comment. He’d often thought that of his brother.

“If it isn’t the Bond brothers,” he heard and turned his head to the two women that came up behind him. “And the other Bond brothers.”

“Nadeen,” Ethan said. “What brings you out slumming to this part of the island?”

He had to laugh at the tone Ethan used. Nadeen Watson had gone to school with them. Lived on the island and always said she’d leave yet here she was.