She tried to move her way up by getting close to the wealthy Bonds. That branch included Bode, Drew and Coy, who were first cousins with Egan, Ethan and Eli. Though Egan and Ethan didn’t go to school on the island, they were here a lot and often partying with Bode, Drew and Coy who did live and go to school here.

“Just wanted a night out with my friend,” Nadeen said. “This is Bretta. She works in Boston. I’m surprised you two haven’t crossed paths, Ethan.”

“Highly unlikely,” Egan said, looking the two over and smirking. “Not quite Ethan’s type. Maybe mine, but I’m busy with my cousins tonight.”

Carter snickered to himself at Egan’s bold comment that zeroed in on the truth of what the women were up to. He could tell both of these girls were out clubbing and moving around the island looking for some action. It was the way they were dressed and the silly tone of their voices and actions. More like they should be at the casino rather than here trying to find some sucker.

The Bond men—wealthy or not—could spot an opportunist.

Nadeen snorted. “Bretta, Ethan and Egan are from the Boston Bonds. You know the ones I’m talking about.”

“I do,” Bretta said, her eyes going to Ethan. “You’re cute.”

Ethan didn’t say a word and picked up his drink.

“Grayson and Carter, they are from the Island Bonds. The one’s from William’s side that I’ve told you about in the past.”

“Oh,” Bretta asked. “You’re both cute too though.”

Seemed like the airhead didn’t care about wealth and was looking more for a body for the night. Not that he was looking or cared and he was sure the other men at the table didn’t either.

“We thought we’d stop in for a quick drink before we went to the casino,” Nadeen said. “Since this is so close to my place.”

“We are going to the casino?” Bretta asked and clapped her hands a little. Her boobs were all but falling out of the tight black dress she had on. “I can’t wait.”

Sounded like Nadeen had a change of plans once she realized there wasn’t anyone here to hit up.

The two women left after the four men stopped talking to them. No one had anything to say that he could see. He sure the hell didn’t to one of the women—girls—who’d given him a hard time when they were young for who his parents were and what branch he was from.

She was nothing more than middle class herself, her parents working for one of the Bond businesses back then, yet she always thought of herself as better than everyone else.

It seemed the story of his life. You could only run so far from narrow-minded people.

“She’s a bitch,” Grayson said.

“Don’t let her get to you,” Ethan said. “People like her always get what is coming to them in the end.”

It seemed as if Ethan knew from experience. He was curious but wouldn’t ask why.

Egan didn’t have the restraint though. “Is she the one that set her eyes on Coy back in the day? Played him up well and then he found out what she wanted?”

“One of the many,” Ethan said. Ethan and Coy were the youngest of the three sets of brothers. Coy let it roll off his back. He’d seen enough of that with his brothers. “Me too, but it still pisses me off when I see women like her now.”

He shrugged. “As you said, they never change and normally get what is coming to them.”

“Speaking of women,” Egan said. “What’s this I hear you’re dating the vet on the island?”

Grayson laughed and slapped him on the back. “No hiding, bro, you know that.”

Carter shook his head, would say a few words, and then change the topic to something else.

It was hard to talk about his girlfriend much when, though it wasn’t a secret to anyone, they still didn’t do much together.


Coolest Boss Ever

“Iloved dressing up today,” Melody said. “All the owners thought it was great that we put costumes on and gave out treats to the pets in little baggies.”