Laine started to laugh. “I’m not surprised he got another one. Dopey hangs out at the garage with him all day. He’s loose and the customers are used to him. I’d think a puppy would be too much there.”
“I bet he has the puppy with him too. I think he works a lot and is not the type to leave a puppy home alone. Unless he’s married or living with someone.”
She wasn’t sure why that popped into her head.
“Nope,” Laine said. “Single as can be. As a business owner on the island, and he has a lot of clients, I’m sure he doesn’t have a lot of time for a woman or what time he has he spends with his dogs.”
“It happens,” Avery said. “I know that feeling. I barely have time to breathe and when I do I’m caring for Josie now. I’m going to have to learn to run a business on top of it. Though I always wanted my own practice I didn’t think it would happen like this and almost starting from scratch.”
She did have that fear, but Dr. Mullins was going to sit down with her on Wednesday after all the clients were taken care of.
“You’ll figure it out. I would say I can help you, but I’m not sure how much. Billing and stuff for you is much different than what I deal with.”
“I’ve got software that I’m familiar with,” she said. “I already purchased it and three laptops. I’m going to spend time hooking that up and getting the new staff to log in the existing patients as it happens and then set new ones up. Carter assured me there are a lot more pets on the island than what is at the clinic now.”
“Most definitely,” Laine said. “A lot are used to the way of life having to go off island for things and just do it. It will be nice to not have to if they don’t want to though.”
“It will work out,” she said. “I have to put one foot in front of the other and let it play out.”
“The best attitude to have,” Laine said. “What do you want to know about the island? You haven’t asked me much and I’m surprised.”
“I know,” she said. “I normally plan things out more, but when you reached out, I’d had a bad day and decided I needed to do it.”
“A bad day with Kurt?” Laine asked.
“No. We were done at that point. I told you that,” she said. “Months prior.”
“Anything you want to share?” Laine asked.
“Nothing specific. Just still grieving Colleen. Trying to get through to Josie. It’s coming along. The lawsuit. Everything at once. It’s like there hasn’t been a break and maybe I was having a meltdown myself.”
She knew there was a big part of her that didn’t give herself a break. She was going nonstop without doing one thing for herself.
Nothing. Not a spa day. No shopping. Not getting her nails done or a pedicure.
A glass of wine would be a splurge at this point in her life.
All those things she’d done with Colleen for the two of them to pamper themselves and disconnect with life. She couldn’t bring herself to do them alone.
She was feeling sorry for herself and her life and then guilty that she was.
She supposed she was entitled to a meltdown from time to time. She hadn’t even grieved the end of her over-three-year relationship.
What she felt was anger and it all built.
“No one would fault or question that, Avery. Be kind to yourself.”
“I know,” she said. She turned when she saw Josie standing behind her rubbing her eyes. “Hey, honey. Did we wake you?”
“No. I had to go pee and I’m hungry,” Josie said. “Who are you?”
Avery laughed. Josie was like her mother and never pulled punches with words.
“I’m Laine. I’m the one who told Avery about the job here. I hope you enjoy living on the island.”
“I think I will,” Josie said. “And Avery told me I can get a puppy.”
Laine looked at her and winked. “I think that’d be wonderful.”